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Emergency Preparation

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1 Emergency Preparation
Mrs. Hill

2 Emergency- An unexpected situation that calls for quick action
Taking time to be prepared will help you stay calm and react correctly in emergency situations

3 Keep emergency phone numbers close to phone
Only call emergency number in an emergency Don’t hang up until the emergency operator tells you to

4 Fire Emergency -have a fire extinguisher in your house
-have working smoke detectors

5 During a Fire -check door to see if it is hot before opening
-stay low to the ground, this is where the oxygen is -have a meeting spot outside your house -if your cloths catches on fire- stop, drop, and roll

6 Disasters Disaster- An emergency situation sometimes caused by forces of nature Hurricane- a violent storm with high winds and heavy rains Tornado- a tall funnel of wind that whirls at very high speed -for both move to a basement or inner room, stay away from windows

7 Disasters- Electrical Storm- storm that has strong winds, rain, and lightning -get indoors, or low ground, stay off phone, out of shower, bath tub, and pool

8 Disasters -Blizzard- A dangerous violent snow storm with strong winds and very cold temps -stay inside, have blankets, radio with extra batteries -if stuck outside, find shelter from the blowing snow In a car, only run long enough to warm the inside up, check to make sure tail pipe is clear of snow

9 Disasters Continued Earthquake- a strong shaking or sliding of the ground -get under a piece of sturdy furniture or stand in a door way

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