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“The unexamined life is not worth living.” -- Socrates

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1 “The unexamined life is not worth living.” -- Socrates
AVID Socratic Seminar “The unexamined life is not worth living.” -- Socrates

2 Background On Socrates and His Method of Teaching
Considered the ugliest man in Athens. Walked around Athens, engaging people in conversation. Loved to talk. 1. The unexamined life is not worth living. 2. True wisdom begins when you know that you don’t know. 3. Excellence/virtue (ἀρετή, arete) is teachable. 4. No one does evil willingly….because to do harm to another harms ourselves (soul, being, chances for living the good life). Claimed ignorance, then used questioning to tease out his opponent’s ignorance.

3 Nuts and Bolts The purpose is to enlarge students’ understanding of a text, ideas, and values. Teach the skill of listening to understand (to others and the text) Set up the “classroom” in a circle. Read the text aloud. Students formulate questions. Share, then choose and discuss.

4 Finish the Sentence… What is the “essence” of Americans?
Essentially, Americans are _____________ Share at your table.

5 In the Spirit of Critical Reading…
Read “Democracy in America” Use the “Marking the Text” Strategy 1. # the paragraphs 2. Circle key terms 3. Underline de Tocqueville’s claims

6 Write 2-3 questions for discussion at the bottom of your text.

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