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Historical Linguistics

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Presentation on theme: "Historical Linguistics"— Presentation transcript:

1 Historical Linguistics
The birthdate of Linguistics

2 Aristotle – Plato (427-348 BC)– Panini (4BC)

3 1762 Bishop Robert Lowth: “A short Introduction to English Grammar with Critical Notes”

4 The birthdate of Linguistics: 1786 Sir William Jones: Sanskrit

5 Evolution of Language Young Grammarians: Language Regularities

6 The Father of Linguistics Descriptive Linguistics Structural Linguistics

7 Noam Chomsky Syntactic Structures Generative Grammar

8 Theories of Language Origin
Historical Linguistics

9 Divine Theories Babel Tower


11 Divine Theories Thoth Nabu

12 Divine Theory Hindus: Sarasvati

13 Pharaoh P s a m m e t i c h u s BC First Experiment

14 Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II of Hosenstaufen Second experiment
13th Century Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II of Hosenstaufen Second experiment

15 James IV of Scotland Third Experiment

16 16th Century Johannes Goropius Becanus “The perfect language” “all languages derived ultimately from Brabantic” His etymologies have been considered "linguistic chauvinism." Leibniz coined the term "goropism" to mean "absurd etymology."  "Never have I read greater nonsense," the scholar Joseph Scaliger wrote of Goropius' etymologies.

17 1830 Noah Webster = Aramaic

18 1887 Joseph Elkins

19 Theory of Evolution of Languages

20 Ding-Dong: onomatopoeia
Pooh-pooh: sighs of pleasure, moans of pain, and other semi-involuntary cries or exclamations Ta-ta: oral gestures from hand gestures Uh-oh: warnings Bow-wow: animal sounds Yo-he-ho: rhythmic chants and vocalisms Monogenesis: one common source

21 How are they related to Language?

22 Task 3 Write your own theory of language origin
Homework Task 3 Write your own theory of language origin

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