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A QUICK REVIEW Plus 11/18/2018 5:41 AM.

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Presentation on theme: "A QUICK REVIEW Plus 11/18/2018 5:41 AM."— Presentation transcript:

1 A QUICK REVIEW Plus 11/18/2018 5:41 AM

2 An Introduction to Spiral Dynamics An Evolutionary Development Model
The spiral is the nearly perfect image of the evolution of consciousness. As persons and societies move from lower to higher levels, they move in wider circles of more and more complex consciousness. Also these circles go around and meet changed life conditions, that require a higher (more complex) level of consciousness to deal effectively with these new life conditions. Also the spiral allows the display of the accumulation of lower level good aspects (memes) that continue to serve well even in the new, higher life conditions. The not so good aspects (memes) of lower levels that are transcended in the move to the next higher level are implied by drawing included levels smaller in the “tail” of the spiral than first appearances in the front of the spiral. Clearly some memes have been transcended. The spiral is often taken apart and depicted in other forms. This dissection is done to display another characteristic of the levels, When this is done it is helpful to remember the spiral image and its significant meanings. Rev. E. J. Niles and Spiral Pathways Ministry 11/18/2018 5:41 AM

3 What Spiral Dynamics Is All About
It’s about beings living on a planet that has evolved from before the beginning of time. It’s about becoming aware we are spiritual beings, but having a human journey of experience. Its about continuing to seek (and to yearn) to discover how the human journey unfolds. It’s about the History of a Universe in evolution. 11/18/2018 5:41 AM

4 HOW Is SD Showing Us What We Yearn to KNOW?
By bringing together many different disciplines to show us how our human history has unfolded over time. Archeologists and Anthropologists have discovered evidence of our human ancestors. Geneticists have unraveled our DNA. Philosophers and Psychologists have learned that what has happened in the history of society, happens in individual human experience. 11/18/2018 5:41 AM

5 How Has History Unfolded?
History has unfolded in stages; not individual, separate and distinct steps, disappearing as the next one appears; more like a spiral staircase. Ralph WALDO Emerson described like this: ‘We wake and find ourselves on a stair; there are stairs below us which we seem to have ascended, there are stairs above us which go out of sight.’ 11/18/2018 5:41 AM

6 Chaos Gives Way to Order
Spiral Dynamics explains it like this: “There is a theory that history moves in cycles. But like a spiral staircase, when the course of human events comes full circle it does so on a new level…Spiral Dynamics represents such a spiral cycle: chaos gives way to order, which in turn gives rise to new forms of chaos.” Ian Stewart, Quoted in Spiral Dynamics Does God Play Dice? The Mathematics of Chaos 11/18/2018 5:41 AM

7 The Basic View of the Stages
1st Tier Subsistence Stages and levels 2nd Tier Being Stages & levels Beige Purple Red Blue Orange Green Yellow Turquoise MOMENTOUS LEAP EVOLUTION OF CONSCIOUSNESS This linear (not spiral) display of levels of consciousness emphasizes the two tier structure of consciousness. The 1st tier contains levels of subsistence… levels to sustain existence in existing life conditions. Each level of the 1st tier preoccupies people with getting along well in the life conditions in which they live. It is characteristic of 1st tier levels to deny that there is any value in any other level and even to think any other level is bad or evil. Each level is usually a struggle to achieve, is hard-earned and other levels are not a good fit for the life conditions pressuring consciousness to become effective. It is , of course, insecurities that are at the root of the conflicts that arise between levels Clare Graves recognized that it was a ‘momentous leap’ to rise above this level conflict, and, in fact, deliberately work for harmony between levels. This momentous leap was into the 2nd tier of consciousness levels, of which the first level is the ‘integrative’ consciousness… the yellow level. Graves designated the 2nd tier levels as ‘being’ as opposed to the 1st tier ‘subsistence’ levels. The spiral graphics shows three 2nd tier levels. Of these only the yellow integrative consciousness has been fully defined. The turquoise holistic is under development but the coral is wide open and is not mentioned again in this presentation. 11/18/2018 5:41 AM

8 The Stages 1st Tier BEIGE: centered on survival; living by instinct
Developed physical attributes PURPLE: Living in tribes using magic and rituals Close connection with nature RED: Survival of the fittest, violent without guilt Developed civilization BLUE: Bringing law, stability and order to deal with violence Finding meaning and purpose 11/18/2018 5:41 AM

9 The Stages 1st Tier ORANGE: Science, Technology and Personal Power
Progress, liberty, Independence GREEN: Increased responsibility for people and planet Multiculturism and spiritual diversity 11/18/2018 5:41 AM

10 2md Tier Stages 2nd Tier YELLOW: Integrative, integral consciousness
Brings together to Integrates “healthy” aspects of previous levels to solve complex problems. TURQUOISE: Holistic, global spirituality, harmonious collective of individuals 11/18/2018 5:41 AM

11 The Chaos That Moved Us From Stage to Stage (At Every Stage)
From PURPLE to RED it was the melting of the Ice - Try to imagine a flood that inundated towns and cities. From RED to BLUE it was the uncontrolled, extreme violence -Try to imagine living when cruel empires, using iron weapons and chariot warfare, threatened the known world. 11/18/2018 5:41 AM

12 The Chaos That Moved Us From BLUE to ORANGE the religious authorities and major crises in the world reigned for centuries. Imagine people living with famines, plagues and war, never having seen anything else. Imagine the religious authorities controlling every aspect of your life. 11/18/2018 5:41 AM

13 The Chaos That Moved Us From ORANGE to GREEN Insensitivity to the social equality that came from the excesses of a few people; leaving few of the resources in the hands of the many. The results were civil wars all over the world in the 19th century; people became more and more disenchanted with the privileged few becoming more and more prosperous at the expense of the rest. The most familiar to us was the U.S. Civil War. 11/18/2018 5:41 AM

14 Conflict in the Process of Evolution Source Integral Consciousness, Steve McIntosh
In the process of evolution, when either side of a duality becomes privileged or over-extended pathology results. (pg290) Evolution as a whole thus exhibits the continuous ability to transcend the duality of conflict and the limitation of any given container by moving in the direction of an entirely new domain. (Pg298) Evolution proceeds through the interplay of opposing forces, and when either of these opposing forces is privileged or extended too far the result is pathology. (Pg303) Every conflict contains a transcendent synthesis that is waiting to be achieved…there is a deep spirituality that is at the heart of the process of universe development (Pg309) Steve McIntosh, Integral Consciousness 11/18/2018 5:41 AM

15 The Chaos That is Moving Us Now FROM GREEN to YELLOW/TURQUOISE
“Evolution proceeds through the interplay of opposing forces, and when either of these opposing forces is privileged or extended too far the result is pathology.” Political and religious controversies are threatening freedom for people all over the world; as small groups of people are controlling the majority of the resources and extremists are resisting progress and movement ahead by holding to outdated ideas. 11/18/2018 5:41 AM

16 What vMEMEs are we Seeing Now and WHERE are Seeing Them Now In the World?
11/18/2018 5:41 AM

17 BEIGE vMEME- The Beige vMEME includes approximately 1/10 of 1% percent of the world's adult population and Zero percent of the power to bring change to the world. 11/18/2018 5:41 AM

18 Where the Beige vMEME is Seen
Newborn infants, Senile elderly and late-stage Alzheimer's victims, Mentally ill street people, This vMEME is well described in anthropological fiction like Jean Auel's Clan of the Cave Bear. 11/18/2018 5:41 AM

19 PURPLE vMEME The PURPLE vMEME includes 10% of the world population and only one 1% of the power to bring change to the world. 11/18/2018 5:41 AM

20 Where The Purple vMEME is Seen
Third World countries Gangs Athletic teams Corporate “tribes” Native American Spirituality 11/18/2018 5:41 AM

21 RED vMEME The RED vMEME includes 15% to 20% of the world’s population, but only 5% of the power to bring change to the world. 11/18/2018 5:41 AM

22 Where The Red vMEME Seen
Divisive politics White Supremists, et al ISIS, et al Rebellious youth, street gangs, Epic heroes and Wild rock stars, William Golding's Lord of the Flies, Sauron in Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings, Voldemort in Harry Potter. 11/18/2018 5:41 AM

23 BLUE vMEME The BLUE vMEME includes 35% to 40% of the world population and 25% to 30% of the power to bring change to the world. 11/18/2018 5:41 AM

24 Where The Blue vMEME Seen
Frank Capra's It's a Wonderful Life, Christian and Islamic fundamentalism Hassidic Judaism Singapore's strict discipline The Salvation Army The caste system in India Boy and Girl Scouts Extreme Patriotism. 11/18/2018 5:41 AM

25 ORANGE vMEME The ORANGE vMEME includes approximately 25% to 30% of the world’s population but wields 45% to 50% of the power to bring change to the world. 11/18/2018 5:41 AM

26 Where Orange is seen Today (continued)
The cosmetics and fashion industries Emerging middle classes around the world (in India and certain parts of China) Chambers of Commerce Materialism

27 GREEN VMEME The GREEN vMEME includes 10% of the world population but holds 15% of the power to bring change to the world. 11/18/2018 5:41 AM

28 Where the Green vMEME is Seen
John Lennon's music Deep ecology Greenpeace Animal rights ACLU Humanistic psychology Paul Ray's Cultural Creatives New Thought Churches 11/18/2018 5:41 AM

29 YELLOW VMEME The YELLOW vMEME includes approximately 1% of the world population but has 5% of the power to bring change to the world 11/18/2018 5:41 AM

30 Where The Yellow vMEME Seen
Carl Sagan's astronomy Chaos Theory Stephen Hawking's Brief History of Time W. Edward Deming’s objectives Paul Newman’s version of stardom Deepak Chopra’s Ageless Body, Wired magazine, 11/18/2018 5:41 AM

31 TURQUOISE VMEME The TURQUOISE VMEME includes approximately one tenth% (.1) of the population of the world but has 1% of the power to bring change to the world. 11/18/2018 5:41 AM

32 Where The Turquoise vMEME Seen
The Dalai Lama et al. Theories of David Bohm McLuhan’s “global village’” Rupert Sheldrake and “morphic fields” Gandhi’s ideas of pluralistic harmony Ken Wilber’s “Spectrum of Consciousness” James Lovelock's “Gaia hypothesis” Pierre Teilhard de Chardin’s “noosphere’” 11/18/2018 5:41 AM

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