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March 29th Odds & Ends CS 239.

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Presentation on theme: "March 29th Odds & Ends CS 239."— Presentation transcript:

1 March 29th Odds & Ends CS 239

2 Re: instance variables
Public class DoSomething { int count; // count is an instance variable FACT 1: when a class is instantiated instance variables are initialized FACT 2: variables of primitive types within a method MUST be initialized by the programmer

3 Look back at ChangeMaker trace
The detailed trace in the key only handles the j = 1 case in the initial call. Still needs to handle the j=2 case in the initial call.

4 Overloading When you overload a method the method names are the same but the parameter lists are different.

5 Strings Are immutable When you run the code on the next slide, you are not changing the value at the original storage location, you are being given a new storage location for the new String. There is no way to get the address of a String or any other java Object.

6 String example public class TestString {
public static void main (String [] args) String animal = “cat”; System.out.println (animal); animal = animal.concat(“bird”); } // end main } // end class

7 Addresses in Java Java doesn’t want you to see addresses
When we printed out numbers in class, what we were seeing was not an address. It was a hash code.

8 public class TestParameterPassing {
public static void main (String [] args) { Integer c,d; ParameterPassing myParameterPassing; myParameterPassing = new ParameterPassing(); // c = new Integer(7); // d = new Integer (13); c = 7; d = 13; System.out.println (" c = " + c + " d = " + d); // before call to swap myParameterPassing.swap(c,d); System.out.println (" c = " + c + " d = " + d); // after call to swap } // end main } // end class In the current version of java, using c = 7; and d = 13; is equivalent to the commented out lines above. In either case, the swap method with two Integer parameters is the one that will be called.

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