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Reading Day 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Reading Day 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reading Day 1

2 Author: Patricia Lauber.
Genre: Informational Text.

3 What is an Informational Text?
It gives factual information about an specific topic or event. They are designed to explain, argue or describe rather than to entertain.

4 Informational Text Structure

5 While reading an informational text you will probably see some of the following:

6 After reading the informational text “Hurricanes: Earth’s Mightiest Storms”, you will:
Design an Informational Text. Present your Informational Text: Written /Oral in pairs (2) or groups of three (3). Take Comprehension Test. Take Vocabulary Test.

7 Let’s watch some videos!

8 EXIT CARD: Let’s complete the Magic Border!

9 Reading Day 2

10 Vocabulary Strategy


12 To turn around, spin, or rotate quickly.

13 rapidly Moving or acting with great speed.

14 Change or cause to change from a gas or vapour to a liquid.

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