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Matter waves & Orbitals

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1 Matter waves & Orbitals
Chapter Matter waves & Orbitals

2 Matter Wave λ = h /(mν) λ  wavelength
h  6.63 x 10–34 J • s; 1 J = 1 Kg-m2/s2 m (mass)  Kg ν (velocity)  m/s Each moving object has a wavelength Problem 44, Pg. 254

3 Uncertainty Principle
It is impossible to know both the location and momentum (momentum = mass x velocity) of an object at the same time.

4 Uncertainty Principle contd
∆x. ∆(mv) = constant When uncertainly in momentum (∆mv) is smaller, uncertainty in position (∆x) is larger This gives e probability distribution (Figure on the right)

5 Principal quantum number, n
Azimuthal quantum number ℓ For 1e atoms & ions H, He+, Li2+, etc.

6 Problem 51 (p255)


8 Shapes of orbitals S orbital : Spherical 1s 2s


10 Supplement. Problem 6.9

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