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10.3 Drugs and their effects on the N.S.

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Presentation on theme: "10.3 Drugs and their effects on the N.S."— Presentation transcript:

1 10.3 Drugs and their effects on the N.S.
Sponge: Set up Cornell Notes on pg. 11 Topic: 10. 3 Drugs and their effects on the NS Essential Question: Why does drug addiction vary so much from person to person? Text: 378-9 10.3 Drugs and their effects on the N.S. 2.1 Atoms, Ions, and Molecules Why does drug addiction vary so much from person to person?

2 Objective SWU: how different drugs have different effects on the nervous system SW: watch Body Story: The Beast within and document how alcohol affects the brain

3 We need to approach this topic in a mature manner
Disclaimer: We will be spending the next week learning about the effects of certain drugs on the nervous system We need to approach this topic in a mature manner You MAY share family/news stories about abuse of drugs (please no clear identification) You MAY NOT share any personal stories at any time Don’t ask your neighbor/teacher personal questions about the subject matter

4 Neurotransmitters The N.S. produces at least thirty different kinds of neurotransmitters: Some neurons only release one type of neurotransmitter, some release two or three kinds Ex: acetylcholine- which stimulates muscle cell contraction Ex: dopamine- may excite or inhibit; Creates a sense of well-being Ex: Serotonin- inhibits; antidepressant

5 Neurotransmitters

6 Drugs that Alter Neurotransmitters

7 10 Body Story: The Beast Within Intervention: Holley NOT PERIOD 3

8 Body Story: The Beast Within 24:47-48:58
P. 10 25 min video Body Story: The Beast Within 24:47-48:58 Take notes/comments/questions on the brain and neurons’ response to drugs and alcohol

9 P. 11 Drug Addiction Drug addiction: is a chronic disease characterized by compulsive, or uncontrollable, drug seeking and use despite harmful consequences and changes in the brain, which can be long lasting. Occurs because of the complex interaction of neurons, drugs, and individual behaviors Many questions remain about the biological effects of addiction, such as why some individuals become addicted and others do not

10 Addiction 5m41s ONE Theory (not fact) More thought provoking
*Actual study for Vietnam said the change of the ENVIRONMENT was the solution- not the circumstance changes

11 Clinical Application 10.4-5
Read Answer questions Highlight ANSWERS and write question # as a way to CITE your evidence Will be taped on P. 10 P in text

12 Objective SWU: how different drugs have different effects on the nervous system SW: watch Intervention: Holley and document the way her addictions have affected her life

13 Intervention: Holley Pg. 10 bottom
Look for the effects of alcohol and cocaine on Holley How has it affected her: Pregnancies/Parenting? Health? Relationships and relationship choices? Family life? Daily life? Finances? Intervention Be prepared to discuss with your table the effects of the drugs and alcohol on Holley’s personality and life choices, as well as the format/structure of the intervention itself What did the counselor ask the family to do? What key points were brought up to Holley by her family members?

14 Intervention: Holley 43m 59s

15 Intervention: Holley Table Talk
Discuss with your table the effects of the drugs and alcohol on Holley’s personality and life choices, as well as the format/structure of the intervention itself What did the counselor ask the family to do? What key points were brought up to Holley by her family members?

16 Intervention: Holley (Update) 1m54s

17 This will be your page for research notes
Sponge: Set up Cornell Notes on pg. 13 Topic: 10. 3 Drugs and their effects on the NS Essential Question: What is the MAJOR way your drug affects the N.S.? Text: 378-9 10.3 Drugs and their effects on the N.S. 2.1 Atoms, Ions, and Molecules What is the MAJOR way your drug affects the N.S.? This will be your page for research notes

18 Objective SWU: how drugs affect the nervous system SW: create a drug infographic (about a drug of their choice) and its detailed effects on the nervous system Today: Drug research Friday-Tues (1/2): Work on infographic and turn in to G. Classroom

19 Drug Research Today you will gather information about a drug (of your choice) and identify its effects on the nervous system. All notes go on p. 13 Remember to use reliable sources Alcohol Ecstasy Heroin Cocaine Marijuana Methamphetamine Bath Salts Inhalants Rohypnol Phencyclidine (PCP) Hallucinogens (LSD/ Mushrooms)

20 Part I: Drug Infographic
Pg. 13 Objective: You will be researching and creating a infographic on a chosen drug. You will need to: Identify the drug Common “street” names Its effects on the nervous system Short/ Long term effects on the human body Treatment options Support Groups available

21 .com Log into computer using your Google account Go to
Click Sign up Click the “Google” logo to automatically create an account Click “Infographic” “Create a new infographic” template Having trouble? Log out, log in as “guest” then type in your Google information to create an account

22 “Icons”- gives you small pictures that are traditionally found in infographics “Background” allows you to change your b.g. color or input a photo Graphics “Photoframe” puts photos into other objects Save photos and then upload them to Piktochart Search: medical, medicine, statistics



25 Part II: News Report Objective: You will look up a news story involving a crime committed while a person was on your drug Write a 1 paragraph summary of the article What happened to the person/s involved Include hyperlink to article Include author’s name if available INCLUDE ALL SOURCES IN MLA at bottom of project

26 Approved Websites Project due: Tuesday 1/23 to Google Classroom
List of approved Websites: U.S. National Library of Medicine National Institute for Drug Abuse (NIDA) NIDA for Teens National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Drug specific Websites: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Project due: Tuesday 1/23 to Google Classroom Test/Notebook check: Friday

27 Turn In Project to Google Classroom
Click “Share” Button on Piktochart Make it PUBLIC Copy link Go to G. Classroom submission button “Add” Add “link”- then paste your link “Turn in” If done on—pdf If done in G. Docs, submit as usual

28 Share your infographic with your table
Share your drug Common names Short/long term effects Treatment options Support Groups Verbally summarize your article What happened etc.

29 Objective SWU: Ch. 10’s major concepts SW: work on their notebook check and study guides to prepare for their ch. 10 test

30 Objective SWU: Ch. 10’s major concepts SW: compete in Kahoot! test practice

31 Ch. 10 Test Preparations Wednesday: Students work on Ch. 10 notebook check/ study guide Thursday: Review Game Friday: Ch. 10 Test + Notebook Check

32 TEST TOMORROW Prepare for Ch. 10 Test
Get out study guide from yesterday for signature

33 Ch. 10 Test Preparation

34 Vice: The hard lives of Britain’s synthetic marijuana addicts
Pg. 12 (bottom) Major Focus: Synthetic MJ’s effect on the nervous system Facts/Statistics about the drugs Consequences of taking the drug Watch the people on the drug How do they act? How do they look? How do they feel? (their descriptions)

35 Vice: Spice Boys m54s

36 Teenagers Against Drugs Campaign Poster
Please create a “Teenagers Against Drugs Poster” to create AVOIDANCE of use of your drug Include Slogan Picture that best shows the consequences of using your drug Keep it simple— due at end of the period Must be your OWN work and creativity Turn into Google Classroom


38 “Excessive Drinking is Dangerous”

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