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An Introduction to SPSS and Research Methodologies H

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1 An Introduction to SPSS and Research Methodologies H
An Introduction to SPSS and Research Methodologies H. Gregory Hawkins, Ph.D. Ryan Otto, Ph.D.

2 Overview Basics of Building an SPSS Dataset
Hypotheses: Framing Clear, Testable Questions Common Hypothesis Testing: Choosing the Correct Test Applied Learning Session Select into Six Groups Randomly Select a Research Frame the Null and Research Hypothesis Identify the Appropriate Test Run the Analysis Interpret the Results

3 Building an SPSS Data Set
Variables: Undergrad Institution BCPM GPA Cumulative GPA MCAT Verbal MCAT Physical MCAT Biological MCAT Combined Step 1 How to Build: Manual Copy / Paste Import

4 Articulating Testable Hypotheses
Generally speaking, most research questions refer to: Differences Between Groups Is there a significant difference between USCSOMG male and female students on BCPM GPA? Relationships Between Variables Is there a significant relationship between percentage of school students eligible for free/reduced lunch and percentage of students meeting/exceeding minimum requirements on PASS tests?

5 Writing Hypotheses Differences Between Groups
Is there a significant difference between USCSOMG male and female students on BCPM GPA? Null Hypothesis: Statement of Equality There is no significant difference between USCSOMG male and female students on BCPM GPA. µmale.BCPMGPA=µfemale.BCPMGPA Research Hypothesis: Statement of Inequality There is a significant difference between USCSOMG male and female students on BCPM GPA. Xmale.BCPMGPA≠Xfemale.BCPMGPA

6 Writing Hypotheses Relationships Between Variables r%Free.%Pass=0
Is there a significant relationship between percentage of school students eligible for free/reduced lunch and percentage of students meeting/exceeding minimum requirements on PASS tests? Null Hypothesis: Statement of Equality There is no significant relationship between percentage of students eligible for F/R lunch and percentage of students meeting/exceeding minimum requirements on PASS tests. r%Free.%Pass=0 Research Hypothesis: Statement of Inequality r%Free.%Pass≠0

7 Common Hypothesis Tests
Relationships Between Variables or Differences Between Groups? Number of Variables? 3+: Regression Two: Bivariate Correlation Same Group(s) Measured More than Once? Yes Same Group Twice: Paired-Samples T-Test Same Group More 3+: Repeated Measures ANOVA No Two Groups: Independent Samples T-Test 3+ Groups: Simple ANOVA

8 Common Hypothesis Tests
Relationships Between Variables or Differences Between Groups? Number of Variables? 3+: Regression Two: Bivariate Correlation As X increases or decreases, is there a significant and corresponding observable change in Y? No Correlation Positive Correlation Negative Correlation Are variables X1, X2, X3,…Xn (independent variables) significant predictors of Y (dependent variable)?

9 Common Hypothesis Tests
Relationships Between Variables or Differences Between Groups? Same Group(s) Measured More than Once? Yes Same Group Twice: Paired-Samples T-Test Same Group More 3+: Repeated Measures ANOVA No Two Groups: Independent Samples T-Test 3+ Groups: Simple ANOVA Are there statistically significant mean values for dependent variables? One group’s scores compared over time? Different groups?


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