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The Co-operative Movement

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Presentation on theme: "The Co-operative Movement"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Co-operative Movement
Mike Tiller Executive Manager Community Empowerment Ltd

2 What employment options do Co-ops offer?

3 Employment Options

4 Employment Options Yes...... ......But what else?

5 What is a Co-operative? Co-operatives are owned by members.
They exist to serve their members. Members have an equal say in what the co-operative does. Co-operatives share their profits among members.

6 The UK Co-operative Economy
5,933 independent co-operatives in the UK Owned by million members Combined turnover of £35.6 billion

7 The Global Co-operative Economy
100 million employees in all sectors. Over 1 billion people are members of a Co-operative. World’s largest 300 Co-operatives have turnover of $1.1 trillion.

8 Why Co-operate?

9 The Co-operative Principles
Education, training, and information Concern for community Democratic member control Autonomy and independence Voluntary and open membership Member economic participation Co-operation among co-operatives

10 UK Consumer Co-operatives Driven by Customers
million £12.3 billion million £12.8 billion million £16.3 billion Membership Turnover

11 Worker Co-operatives Driven by Staff
£8.76 billion turnover 79,557 staff

12 Contribution to Housing
671 Housing Co-operatives 63,000 members £136.5 million turnover

13 Financial Services Co-operative Financial Services Ethical Policy
6.5 million customers

14 Community Co-operation
170 Supporters’ Trusts 30 Clubs owned or controlled by fans Community Co-operatives £30.7 million turnover

15 Fairtrade Most Fairtrade products come from Co-operatives of small farmers. 75% of Fairtrade products are Co-operatively produced 887,000 smallholders benefiting through Fairtrade Co-operatives.

16 2012 – International Year of Co-operatives

17 Opportunities Co-operatives are an understated alternative employment opportunity across the economy... The UK Co-operative sector continues to grow... Enabling customers, employees and communities to work together... Empowering people by giving them control of businesses and a share in the profits...

18 Co-operating for a Stronger Future
...Co-operatives provide a Powerful Alternative

19 Go Forth and Co-operate!
If you are interested in starting your own Co-operative or would like information about employment in the UK Co-operative Sector:

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