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Identifying Ideological Perspectives

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1 Identifying Ideological Perspectives
Communism Socialism Modern Liberalism Welfare Capitalism Classical Liberalism Neo-conservative

2 Principles of Individualism
rule of law individual rights and freedoms private property economic freedom self-interest competition Principles of Collectivism economic equality co-operation public property collective interest collective responsibility adherence to collective norms

3 Communism A radical form of Socialism
The abolition of private property The centralization of the means of production (such as factories and machinery) in the hands of the state planned economy or command economy

4 Socialism Resources controlled by the public for the benefit of society and not by private interests for the benefit of private owners and investors. Value economic equality among citizens. Co-operation is favoured over competition. State involvement in the control and direction of the economy. Focused primarily on the idea of equality and imagined a world where humans lived in such harmony and co-operation that eventually government would no longer be necessary.

5 Modern Liberalism Mixed Economy or Market Free trade
Significant gov’t intervention All individuals valued equally Emphasizes programs to help the disadvantaged Promotes ideas to share the benefits of development

6 Welfare Capitalism refers to capitalist economies that involve a comprehensive social welfare policy in the form of a welfare state refers to the practice of businesses providing welfare services to their employees It is based on the principles of  equality of opportunity equitable distribution of wealth public responsibility for those unable to avail themselves of the minimal provisions for a good life.

7 Classical Liberalism stresses the importance of human rationality
values political freedom holds freedom to be the basic standard in economics believes the most beneficial economic system to be the “free market”: an economy that operates with limited government intervention and relies on the choices that rational individuals make in their own self-interest.

8 Classical Conservatism
society is organic whole equality is not important society is hierarchy of layers customs & traditions are important mixed views on economy

9 Neo- Conservative Reaction to modern liberalism and how it fails to address contemporary political, social and economic realities. Market or traditional economy Limited government involvement in the economy Limited range of social welfare programs increased government protection of morality maintain traditional social values distrust of trade unionism

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