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Back Office Tutorial Basic Navigation New Consultant Sign Up Shopping.

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Presentation on theme: "Back Office Tutorial Basic Navigation New Consultant Sign Up Shopping."— Presentation transcript:

1 Back Office Tutorial Basic Navigation New Consultant Sign Up Shopping

2 Please type directly into the address bar Do NOT include www in the address bar. Step One: Accessing your website This is the home website. You will have a replicated website. For Example: If your name is John Smith your website would be There will be an option to personalize your website in your back office. If there is someone else using jsmith, then you would have a digit after your name, i.e.,

3 Step Two: Open back office There are 3 areas on the page for Consultant Login Choose whichever one you like Click Consultant Login to proceed to step 3. These are entrances to your back office

4 Your Username is first initial and last name. For Example John Smith would be jsmith unless there is more than one jsmith… then it could be jsmith8 Initial Password is emailed during sign up When signing up, the initial username and password are emailed to you. This password will only work one time. Press Login to continue to Step 4. Step Three: Initial Sign In

5 Create your own Password. Confirm your password here. Create a password that you can remember and enter it in the first box Enter the same password in the second box. It must be a minimum of 8 characters. Click Login to continue to Step 5. Step Four: New Password

6 Ensure your personal information is accurate or make changes as necessary. Please also send an email to if you change email or mailing Always Save before moving on! Click on Default Placement to continue to Step 6. Step Five: Account Details You are here.

7 Step Six: Default Placement Default placement is set toPower Team Auto (strongly suggested) Power Team Auto keeps both of your teams balanced to your advantage. The other options are Left Team and Right Team and will add new consultants accordingly, regardless of volume. Click on Replicated Site to continue to Step 7.

8 Step Seven: Replicated Site The Replicated Site tab allows you to name your personal website. The name that you enter here becomes your unique ZPG website. Example: if you want the site name John, then enter John in the field. Please note spaces and & signs are not recognized characters. Be sure to hit save Your ZPG website would be Type your website directly into the address bar (no www). john

9 You can add new Consultants in your Back Office. Click on Sign Up The first page is for your new Consultants Account Details Enter as much information as possible on this page. Social Security or EIN Numbers are required in order to receive commissions! Click on Package to continue to Step 2. Step One: New Consultant Account Details

10 Click the down arrow next to the word select. You will see several packages: –$49 Wellness Consultant Kit –$199 Basic Starter –$199 Wellness Solutions –$499 Personal Starter –$999 Team Starter –$1899 Diamond Complete Select one. Click on Select Products to continue to the next step. Step Two : Package Selection

11 The Product Selection Page allows you to customize the products in your chosen startup package. The products offered are the only choices available. Hover over the products with your mouse to see additional details. Click on Placement to continue to the next step. Step Three: Product Selection

12 If you dont change anything, the new Consultant will be placed using the default placement setting in your Account Settings. You can override your default settings by choosing one of the options in the drop down list. If you choose Manual, you will indicate placement on the next screen. If you choose the default setting or a setting from the dropdown list, then click onBilling Information to continue to the next step. Step Four: Placement j

13 Your new Consultants name will appear in the box at the top left. Drag and drop it to anyOPEN spot in your Binary. After manual placement, you will automatically return to the Signup Page to complete the Signup. Step Four (cont) : Manual Placement j j j j j jj

14 Please keep in mind All placements are FINAL!!!!!

15 Step Five: Billing Information Enter the credit card billing information. If it is the same as consultant address click here. Security Code or CVV is the 3 digit code on the back (4 for AMEX) Click onShipping Information to continue.

16 Choose shipping method from the drop down list. Enter shipping information. If shipping information is the same as the new Consultants address, simply check the Copy Consultant Address box. If shipping information is the same as their Billing Address, then click the Copy Billing Address Box If its different from either address, then type in the information needed Click on Terms and Conditions to continue Step Six: Shipping Information

17 Ensure the new Consultant has read the Terms and Conditions found on the back of the Independent Consultant Application. Click I Agree It is mandatory to agree to abide by the Terms and Conditions. Click Payment Confirmation to continue Step Seven: Terms and Conditions

18 Step Eight: Payment Confirmation Your previous choices will be reflected in the amounts on thePayment Confirmation page. You may return to the previous pages to review your entries. Click Sign Up if you want to complete this form. On the following page, you will get a confirmation number.

19 Step Nine: Sign Up or Clear Form Congratulations, we made it!!!! Applicant sign up is almost complete. At this point, you can go back and check your entries (you may end up reentering some things) or Click on Sign Up (go ahead, click it) As you see, you arent locked in yet. You can always clear everything out too!!

20 When you are finished you will have a Confirmation page If you do not see this screen please check for an email receipt or call to confirm your order. $999.00 $39.95 $1038.95 Final Step: Order Confirmation

21 Shopping Step One : Shopping Click on the shopping tab Products will be displayed with and without pictures. Please be sure to read the description to ensure you choose the right product. To see a complete description click.

22 Step Two : Scrolling There are scroll bars on the right and possibly the bottom. If you can not see all the products then you may need to adjust your screen resolution.

23 Step Three : Screen Resolution If you can not see your entire back office please follow these steps. If you can see everything please skip this slide. Click on the Start button in the lower left hand corner of the screen. Choose Control Panel. Click on Adjust screen resolution. Slide the toggle switch all the way to High. Click Apply. You may need to log out of your back office to let these settings take effect. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3

24 Step Four : Choosing Items Click on the next to the item to make it appear in your cart on the left. Add or remove this item from your cart by changing the quantity. Choose Billing Info to continue to step 5.

25 Step Five : Billing Info Fill in each block completely with the billing information related to your credit card. Security Code or CVV is the 3 digit code on the back (4 for AMEX) Choose Shipping Info to continue to step 6.

26 Step Six : Shipping Info Choose Shipping Method Ground 2 Day Air Overnight International for the appropriate amount If the information is the same as your billing info check the box. If not please fill in the information completely. Choose Complete Order to continue to step 7.

27 Step Seven : Complete Order Verify your Subtotal. Verify your shipping and handling. Click Submit Order.

28 When you are finished you will have a Confirmation page If you do not see that screen please check for an email reciept or call to confirm your order. Final Step: Order Confirmation

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