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Visual Programming week # 06

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1 Visual Programming week # 06
Review for Midterm Exam

2 VP Lecture Note by Dr. Hanh Pham
Outline Date Scope(topics) How to Prepare for Midterm ? Format Exam Sample What & How to Submit VP Lecture Note by Dr. Hanh Pham

3 VP Lecture Note by Dr. Hanh Pham
Exam Date & Time SEE the EXAM DATE in our SCHEDULE. How long ? 75 minutes or 1 hour 15’. WHERE ? Here at our classroom. VP Lecture Note by Dr. Hanh Pham

A) By Components: B) By Tasks/Events: Basic: Play a sound Image (YOUR REVIEW page # 03) Draw a Dot (page # 05) Label Draw a Line Button Select Size Textbox Say a Text Canvas Print a Text clock Calculation Media: Working with Strings Sound Remember things with Variable(Create, Set, Get) camera Animation: Different situations(If-Then-Else) ImageSprite List of similar things ScreenArrangement: (Create, Set, Select/Get) Horizontal Arrangement Input with a Textbox Other: Output with a Label TextToSpeach Move ImageSprite randomly Detect if a click is a Hit or a Miss VP Lecture Note by Dr. Hanh Pham

5 How to Prepare for Midterm ?
I) For each component and task, ask these questions: When should I use it ? How can I do it ? Write notes & Practice with that component or task II) ReDO all class tutorials and homework WITHOUT looking at the solution (blocks) VP Lecture Note by Dr. Hanh Pham

6 VP Lecture Note by Dr. Hanh Pham
TOPICS For each component or task, ask these questions: When should I use it ? How can I do it ? For Examples: 1) IMAGE When should I use an image ? How can I do an image ? Image by itself ? Image on a button ? Image on a Canvas ? VP Lecture Note by Dr. Hanh Pham

7 VP Lecture Note by Dr. Hanh Pham
TOPICS Example: REVIEW for IMAGE When should I use an image ? How can I do an image ? Image by itself ? Under “Basic” get IMAGE Under “Properties”, under “Picture” click “ADD” to UPLOAD a file for the image Image on a button ? Under “Basic” get BUTTON Under “Properties”, under “Image” click “ADD” to UPLOAD a file for the image Image on a Canvas ? Under “Basic” get CANVAS VP Lecture Note by Dr. Hanh Pham

8 VP Lecture Note by Dr. Hanh Pham
IMAGE VP Lecture Note by Dr. Hanh Pham

9 VP Lecture Note by Dr. Hanh Pham
IMAGE VP Lecture Note by Dr. Hanh Pham

10 VP Lecture Note by Dr. Hanh Pham
REVIEW for IMAGE: < SAMPLE of YOUR REVIEW PAGE > REVIEW PAGE # 03 Put everything you think you may need (may not remember) at the exam into a separate page and give it a page number (exp. # 03 in this case). Then, link this to the INDEX page (list of topics-table of contents=> see sile06,page04) so that you can find easily it later. VP Lecture Note by Dr. Hanh Pham

11 VP Lecture Note by Dr. Hanh Pham
TOPICS Example: REVIEW for a Task: Draw a DOT/CIRCLE When should I draw a DOT/CIRCLE ? How can I draw a DOT/CIRCLE ? Need a CANVAS Need X,Y(position of the DOT), and R(radius) these can be predefined (using number blocks) or let the users enter via Textboxes VP Lecture Note by Dr. Hanh Pham

12 VP Lecture Note by Dr. Hanh Pham
DRAW a DOT/CIRCLE VP Lecture Note by Dr. Hanh Pham

13 VP Lecture Note by Dr. Hanh Pham
DRAW a DOT/CIRCLE VP Lecture Note by Dr. Hanh Pham

14 VP Lecture Note by Dr. Hanh Pham
REVIEW for DRAWING a CIRCLE: < SAMPLE of YOUR REVIEW PAGE > REVIEW PAGE # 05 Put everything you think you may need (may not remember) at the exam into a separate page and give it a page number (exp. # 03 in this case). Then, link this to the INDEX page (list of topics-table of contents=> see sile06,page04) so that you can find easily it later. VP Lecture Note by Dr. Hanh Pham

15 VP Lecture Note by Dr. Hanh Pham
Exam Format FORMAT: Similar to a homework See Sample Exam What to submit at the exam: .AIA File Picture of Design window Picture of Block Editor window Picture of Emulator window A task description, requirements, and a screenshot will be given. No instructions nor tips (design or block editor window) will be available. You are on your own ! VP Lecture Note by Dr. Hanh Pham

16 VP Lecture Note by Dr. Hanh Pham
Exam SAMPLE REQUIREMENT: Build a calculator of (A+B)*C which can speak the results as well as print it on a canvas at an user-specified position. Your APP must have a GUI structure as shown in this picture: let the user enter 3 numbers A,B, and C a button to calculate, store, and SPEAK the result let the user enter X and Y for printing position a button to print the result on the BOARD and play a sound. You can use the hit sound and miss sound files at: VP Lecture Note by Dr. Hanh Pham

17 VP Lecture Note by Dr. Hanh Pham
Exam SAMPLE Try to do without looking at this DESIGN window (with your own pictures): VP Lecture Note by Dr. Hanh Pham

18 VP Lecture Note by Dr. Hanh Pham
Exam SAMPLE Try to do without looking at this BLOCK EDITOR window: VP Lecture Note by Dr. Hanh Pham

19 WHAT & WHERE to submit the Exam ?
At BLACKBOARD Go to VP page then EXAMS, and Midterm Exam For rehearsal/practice : JustTest WHAT to submit at the exam ? .AIA File (download from your APP Inventor account) Picture of Design window Picture of Block Editor window Picture of Emulator window VP Lecture Note by Dr. Hanh Pham

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