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Causes of Plate Tectonics?

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1 Causes of Plate Tectonics?

2 The Layers of the Earth © Copyright 2006.  M. J. Krech. All rights reserved.


4 Mantle- The Earth’s thickest layer and it is made of hot rock
Mantle- The Earth’s thickest layer and it is made of hot rock. Lithosphere- Is the distance between Earth’s Crust and very top part of the Mantle. Asthenosphere-Is the layer beneath Lithosphere, and it is made of hotter and softer rock in the upper mantle. Outer Core- Is a layer of liquid metals beneath mantle. Inner Core- Is a ball of hot, solid metals in the center of the Earth.   

5 Magnetic Field- is an invisible field that exerts (applies) a magnetic force on objects around it.
Earth’s Inner Core acts as a giant magnet because it is made of Iron and Nickel.

6 Tectonic plates _one of the large sections into which the lithosphere is broken.

7 Divergent Boundary -a place where tectonic plates move apart.
*Convection Current- a circulation pattern in which material is heated and rises in one area, than cools and sinks in another area. *Convection Currents Circulates materials from MANTEL and lower CRUST. Divergent Boundary -a place where tectonic plates move apart. Convergent Boundary - place where tectonic plates push together. Transform Boundary - a place where tectonic plates scrape past each other.

8 What Causes Plate Motions?
Slab push-pull Convection in mantle Deep mantle convection Two-layer convection

9 What Causes Plate Motions?
Convection in mantle Convection a result of plate motion Ridge push Slab pull Trench suction


11 Ridge Push – Slab Pull –

12 Assignment Use “Plate Movement Along Boundaries” to complete Plate Movement Boundary Chart.

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