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And Then there were none Agatha Christie

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1 And Then there were none Agatha Christie
Chapter One Vocabulary All pictures are from Google Images.

2 Subsequent—1 consecutive, consequent, ensuing, following

3 Contadini—2/3 Italian peasants

4 Bedouin—3 an Arab of the desert, in Asia or Africa

5 Coroner’s inquest—4 an inquiry into the manner and cause of an individual’s death, conducted by the Coroner or Deputy Coroner with a court reporter and six jurors present. The jurors are citizens of the county in which the death took place.

6 In spite of—4 without being affected by the particular factor mentioned

7 Semitic—7 of or relating to the Semites or their languages, especially of or pertaining to the Jews

8 Sine qua non—7 absolute necessity

9 Enveloped—8 wrapped up in; surrounded entirely

10 Aura—8 a distinctive and pervasive quality or character; air; atmosphere

11 Gramophone—8 phonograph; record player

12 Canon—9 one of a body of dignitaries attached to a cathedral

13 As the crow flies—10 shortest distance between two points

14 Cronies—10 close friend; companion

15 Brooding—10 showing deep unhappiness of thought

16 Morris—11

17 Vague—12 uncertain, indefinite, or unclear

18 Super sports dalmain—13

19 Latter—14 second one mentioned of two people or things

20 Scrutinized—15 examined or inspected closely and thoroughly

21 Whims—16 a sudden desire or change of mind, especially one that is unusual or unexplained

22 Pacifically—16 peaceably, mildly, calmly, or quietly

23 Recumbent—16 lying down; reclining; leaning

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