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Equality, Diversity and Rights in Health and Social Care

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Presentation on theme: "Equality, Diversity and Rights in Health and Social Care"— Presentation transcript:

1 Equality, Diversity and Rights in Health and Social Care
The Benefits of Diversity and Maslow

2 In your small group What are the nationalities of your family and friends What music do you like What is your favourite food What languages can you or your family/friends speak What and how do you celebrate in your culture


4 On the Fence On the Fence
Complete the questionnaire you have been given. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement. Or are you In your allocated small group discuss your ideas and see if anyone has similar ideas or different ideas On the Fence On the fence exercise – agree or disagree with the statements or aren’t you sure. Explain that we are now going to look at the basis for discrimination and the groups of people in society who are discriminated against and how.

5 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
1. Physical Needs Maslow says the first things we are motivated to have are our physical needs. We will want to be warm, fed and watered before we will think about anything else. 1. Physical Needs such as Shelter, Warmth, Water 2. Food, Safety, Sex 3. Love and Belonging 4. Esteem, Status 5. Self Actualisation

6 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
2. Safety Needs Once we have our physical needs met, we are motivated to have our safety needs met,this means things like having a job and a home. 1. Physical Needs such as Shelter, Warmth, Water 2. Safety Needs eg job/home 3. Love and Belonging 4. Esteem, Status 5. Self Actualisation

7 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
3. Love & Belonging Needs When our physical and safety needs are met, we are motivated to have our love and belonging needs met,this means things like having friendships, sex, relationships and a family. 1. Physical Needs such as Shelter, Warmth, Water 2. Safety Needs eg job/home 3. Love and Belonging 4. Esteem, Status 5. Self Actualisation

8 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
4. Esteem Status When our physical, safety and love needs are met, we are motivated to have our esteem needs met, this is related to money. It means how people perceive us in society according to our material wealth and status. EG a big house & car means people see us as having lots of money & therefore high esteem in society. 1. Physical Needs such as Shelter, Warmth, Water 2. Safety Needs eg job/home 3. Love and Belonging 4. Esteem, Status 5. Self Actualisation

9 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
5. Self Actualisation Self Actualisation is the thing that gives you personal fulfilment. It is NOT about money or other people. Examples of things that cause people to self actualise are things like art, drama, sports & hobbies. What causes you to self actualise? When our physical, safety, love and esteem needs are met, we are motivated to ‘SELF ACTUALISE’. 1. Physical Needs such as Shelter, Warmth, Water 2. Safety Needs eg job/home 3. Love and Belonging 4. Esteem, Status 5. Self Actualisation 20%

10 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Maslow says we can only go up the hierarchy of needs when the previous level has been achieved. Do you think this is always the case? Can you think of examples where this is not true? 1. Physical Needs such as Shelter, Warmth, Water 2. Safety Needs eg job/home 3. Love and Belonging 4. Esteem, Status 5. Self Actualisation

11 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs 2. Safety Needs eg job/home
Maslow says only 20% of people achieve self-actualisation. One of the reasons for this could be because of discrimination. Click on the button below and read the article. 5. Self Actualisation 4. Esteem, Status Explain where these people were on the hierarchy of needs, and how far discrimination caused them to go down it. 3. Love and Belonging 2. Safety Needs eg job/home 1. Physical Needs such as Shelter, Warmth, Water

12 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs 2. Safety Needs eg job/home
Find another example of where discrimination has caused someone or a group of people to go down the hierarchy of needs. Explain where this person or group was on the hierarchy of needs before the discrimination, and then explain where they were after the discrimination. 5. Self Actualisation 4. Esteem, Status This can be a true life case study or a fictional example from a film or TV. 3. Love and Belonging 2. Safety Needs eg job/home 1. Physical Needs such as Shelter, Warmth, Water

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