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Risk Assessment Dec 7, 2009 Timbrell 3rd Edn pp 16-21

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1 Risk Assessment Dec 7, 2009 Timbrell 3rd Edn pp 16-21
Casarett & Doull 7th Edn Chapter 7 (pp )

2 The Risk Assessment Paradigm
National Research Council's 1983 report Risk Assessment in the Federal Government: Managing the Process, called the "Red Book" Hazard Evaluation Dose-Response Evaluation Exposure Assessment Risk Characterization Risk = Probability (of adverse outcome) Hazard ≠ Risk


4 Dr. Costa

5 Carcinogens Dose-response No safe dose Single molecule Cancer
Acceptable dose: dose that causes 1 in 106 lifetime risk of cancer Need to define Potency Dose-response

6 Dose-Response Increasing Response Slope = Potency Dose No Threshold

7 Modeling the dose-response
One hit linear model Multi-hit Logit, Probit, Weibull, Gamma Armitage-Doll Multistage Model (biologically-based) Linearized Multistage (LMS) Model P(D) = 1 – exp(-q0 - q1D - q2D2 - …- qnDn) P(D) = q0 - q1D q1 = q* = potency, units (dose) -1 e.g. (mg/kg/day) -1

8 Incidence of lung tumors
Methylene Chloride CH2Cl2 Human cancer risk derived from bioassay with B6C3F1 female mice (Reitz et al., 1989) Model Cancer risk for 1 μg/m3 Probit < Logit 2.1 x 10-13 Weibull 9.8 x 10 -8 LMS 4.1 x 10 -6 Animal data: Concentration in air Incidence of lung tumors 3/45 2000 16/46 4000 41/46

9 Carcinogens No safe dose
Acceptable dose: dose that causes 1 in 106 lifetime risk of cancer Does this apply to all carcinogens ? Flash-back to Dr. Rusyn’s material

10 Peroxisome Proliferators
A wide range of classes of chemicals: lipid lowering drugs, plasticizers, food flavors, industrial solvents, herbicides Cause marked increases in size and number of peroxisomes Potent rodent liver carcinogens Human exposure is from therapeutic, environmental, industrial and other sources No clear epidemiological evidence for or against carcinogenicity in humans

11 So, we have a chemical that is a non-genotoxic RODENT carcinogen!
If we would regulate this chemical, would it help to improve the quality of HUMAN life?

12 For effects other than cancer:
Is there a “safe” dose ?

13 Dose-Response Increasing Response Dose Threshold

14 Non-carcinogens No Observed Adverse Effects Level NOAEL

The amount of a substance that can be ingested over a lifetime without significant health risk ADI = NOAEL Safety Factor(s) Poor quality of data Safety Factor = x [x 10] [x 10] Inter-species Animal-to-human Intra-species Particularly variability inter-individual severe effect variability Units: mg/kg/day Based on most sensitive species and most sensitive end-point

16 Extrapolations From short-term studies to lifetime exposure
From high doses in animal studies to low doses in environmental exposure From animals to humans

17 Scale from animal to human
Scale according to body weight (BW) Scale according to surface area – (BW)2/3 Scale according to relative metabolic rates – (BW)3/4 Biological modeling – physiologically-based (PBPK)

18 Variability Inter-individual variation in Exposure Metabolism Repair capacity Sensitivity Uncertainty: Factors that we do not know or understand fully (yet) True magnitude of Exposure Metabolism Repair capacity Sensitivity How to extrapolate from test animals to humans, high to low doses… How to combine risks

19 Factors in determining acceptable dose
Species differences, gender, age, body weight Approach has been chemical by chemical. Multiple chemical exposure - combined risk assessment approach. Multiple sources of exposure need to be accounted for.

20 Combinations Binary mixtures Ternary mixtures
Four- , five-component mixtures Six, seven, eight…. ... Complex mixtures

21 The Risk Cup Food Quality Protection Act (1996)
Amendment to Food Drugs and Cosmetics Act (1906, 1938) “Assess the risk of the pesticide chemical residue [to infants and children] based on…available information concerning the cumulative effects on infants and children of such residues and other substances that have a common mechanism of toxicity”

22 Interactions Additivity Synergism Potentiation Antagonism

23 Interactions can be expected between chemicals that
Act by binding to the same receptor Act through the same mechanism Require the same enzyme for activation/detoxication

24 Additivity Chemicals A, B, C…N are all toxic
Potency of mixture = Sum of potencies * concentrations of constituents Effecttotal = PotencyA * DoseA + PotencyB * DoseB + PotencyC * DoseC +…..+PotencyN * DoseN

25 Synergism The whole is greater than the sum of the individual constituents Effecttotal >> PotencyA* DoseA + PotencyB* DoseB… +… PotencyN* DoseN

26 Potentiation Effecttotal >> PotencyA* DoseA where PotencyB = 0
One constituent A is toxic, the other B is not. Effect of the combination A + B is greater than the effect of the active constituent Effecttotal >> PotencyA* DoseA where PotencyB = 0

27 Antagonism Effect of the whole is less than the sum of the effects of the individual components Effecttotal << PotencyA* DoseA + PotencyB* DoseB… +… PotencyN* DoseN


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