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Personal Priesthood Interviews

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1 Personal Priesthood Interviews
Ministering in the Ucon Stake through Personal Priesthood Interviews

2 Ucon Stake Priesthood Training
Mystery of PPIs

3 Families Elders or HPs PPIs vs. Home Teaching Interviews
Ucon Stake Priesthood Training PPIs vs. Home Teaching Interviews Personal Priesthood Interviews Home Teaching Interviews Spiritual / Temporal Welfare Elders or HPs Spiritual / Temporal Welfare Families Personal Accountability Home Teaching Reporting

4 Ucon Stake Priesthood Training
PPI The Interview Personal Priesthood Interviews Purpose Provide personal spiritual support Help solve personal problems Demonstrate love and compassion Accountability to the Lord

5 Ucon Stake Priesthood Training
The Interview Personal Priesthood Interviews Ucon Stake Priesthood Training PPI Potential Topics of the Interview Personal Prayers Spiritual Growth Testimony of Atonement Relationships with the Savior Marriage and Children Scripture study Sabbath Day Observance ….many others Done only by Elders Quorum Presidents High Priest Group Leaders

6 Ucon Stake Priesthood Training
The Interview Personal Priesthood Interviews Ucon Stake Priesthood Training Home Teaching Interviews Potential HT interview Topics Concerns about a family Functionality as a companionship A family’s spiritual growth A family’s progress on FHE, family prayers Need for Bishop intervention Status of youth in the home …more Done by Counselors and Assistants

7 Ucon Stake Priesthood Training
Overview PPIs HT Interviews EQ Presidents/ HP Grp Leaders Assistants and Counselors Personal spiritual questions Discussion about specific families At least once per year Done about quarterly Always done 1-on-1 May be done by companionship

8 Ucon Stake Priesthood Training
PPI Ucon Stake Priesthood Training Guidelines Start & end meeting with prayer Seek the spirit for inspiration during the meeting Include topics as directed by the spirit Keep the meeting short, but allow time Be non-judgmental, convey love and understanding Provide counsel as spiritually directed Keep notes for follow-up in future interviews

9 President Hogge The Spirit of the Meeting
Ucon Stake Priesthood Training The Spirit of the Meeting Fostering an environment of Revelation and Inspired Counsel President Hogge

10 Ucon Stake Priesthood Training
Worthiness Issues Only the BISHOP holds the keys to repentance Be supportive and loving. But encourage them to seek the Bishop’s help.

11 Ucon Stake Priesthood Training
Worthiness Issues "Brother, I'm so sorry this issue is plaguing you. I know that can be an especially difficult challenge. Our Bishop holds very special keys to help you with any addiction that may exist and to also guide you through the repentance process if that is needed. I know he would be eager to help you and would show great love and understanding. "

12 Ucon Stake Priesthood Training
Potential Challenges Discomfort - difficulty asking personal spiritual questions Time Management – getting to all the Elders of HPs Willingness of Quorum Members – may be new to them

13 Ucon Stake Priesthood Training
Potential Challenges ADMINISTER MINISTER Collect Home teaching results Record Home teaching results in the computer Review families not assigned list Make HT assignments Dissolve and reform new companionships Attend Ward Council Attend PEC meetings Attend Stake training Arrange for weekly quorum instruction Perform financial needs assessments Identify up and coming youth Assist in moves and other physical labor Blessing to the sick Instructing your quorum Doing home teaching Blessing your children Family Home evening Bearing your testimony Ordaining a prospective elder PPIs PPIs

14 Ucon Stake Priesthood Training

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