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2018 OSEP Project Directors’ Conference

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Presentation on theme: "2018 OSEP Project Directors’ Conference"— Presentation transcript:

1 2018 OSEP Project Directors’ Conference
OSEP Disclaimer 2018 OSEP Project Directors’ Conference DISCLAIMER: The contents of this presentation were developed by the presenters for the 2018 Project Directors’ Conference. However, these contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government. (Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1221e-3 and 3474)

2 Slide 1 Using Practice Profiles to Support Continuous Improvement
Using Practice Profiles to Support Continuous Improvement: North Carolina State Improvement Project & Missouri Model District Initiative (SPDG) July 24, OSEP Project Directors’ Conference

3 Today’s Objective Today’s Facilitator
During this session we hope that you learn to use and leave inspired to develop Practice Profiles to guide continuous improvement of projects at different levels through reflection upon current implementation. Today’s Facilitator Arlene Russell Bender supports numerous state-led projects, including North Carolina and Missouri, with evaluative support. TerraLuna is a cooperative consulting firm specializing in creative evaluation, research, and systems change for social justice and civil rights:

4 Discussion Questions During this session you will be asked to think about and discuss your answers to the following three questions: 1. How did we use practice profiles for capturing evidence and operationalizing innovations? 2. How did we use practice profiles in a formative process to help determine specific policy and program outcomes? 3. Are there additional elements that we need to add or consider to the work we have already done?

5 Order of Presenters We will spend our hour together today in this way…. [insert time] – North Carolina’s State Improvement Plan team shares a collaboratively developed Practice Profile with promising levels of validity and inter-rater reliability [insert time] – Missouri Model Districts (SPDG) staff share an online Practice Profile used extensively (more than 9,000 submissions last school year) by educators and administrators across the state [insert time] – Hands-on Exploration: Participants will use the Practice Profile Planning Tool to develop a list of components, contributions and indicators, and will share with another audience member [insert time] – Additional presentation, final question and answer of presenters

6 Who are Today’s Presenters
Bridget Bilbro, MSA Literacy Consultant, Northeast Region Program Improvement and Professional Development Exceptional Children Division North Carolina Department of Public Instruction Rick Powers IDEA Outreach Consultant, Program Improvement and Professional Development Exceptional Children Division North Carolina Department of Public Instruction Sarah Marten, PhD Project Specialist MoEdu-Sail (MO SPDG) University of Northern Arizona

7 Slide 6 What is a Practice Profile?

8 NC State Improvement Project
Slide 7 Continuous Improvement- Are we there yet? NC State Improvement Project

9 Slide 8 Development of the Practice Profile Purpose:
make project teachable, learnable, and doable, and assessable using critical components to improve implementation of each initiative within the project Critical Components Professional Development Technical Assistance and Coaching Communication and Visibility Research and Evaluation

10 Implementation of the Practice Profile
Common Planning Agenda Continuous Improvement Cycle (Plan-Do-Study-Act)

11 Vetting and Consensus Building
Next Steps Vetting and Consensus Building Testing and Evolving the Profile

12 Using the Practice Profile Planning Tool
Be ready to be active [3 min] – Guided walkthrough through the tool [10 min] – Develop a list of core components, contribution to the outcome and some indicators of expected, developmental and unacceptable use [7 min] – Pair-share with someone seated next to you If desired, be ready to present your progress at the end of the hour!

13 Guided Walkthrough Core Component Contribution to Outcome
Expected Use in Practice Developmental Use in Practice Unacceptable Use in Practice Ability to visualize and explain results to audiences at different levels Utilization of evaluation data ensures that efforts by all parties are meaningful, if certain stakeholders don't understand the results, then they can't participate in data-informed discussion, and worse yet, they might not actively engage in continuous improvement at all. Use a variety of methods to disseminate results Think about the audience before preparing all deliverables Present data that allows audience to make their own recommendations Collaboratively develop major deliverables Engage in constant capacity building that reaches out to all levels of stakeholders Results are prepared in PowerPoint presentations and written documents Think about potential audience either, after preparing deliverables, or only for some deliverables Present data with the evaluators’ recommendations Evaluator sends one draft of major deliverables for comments Engage in capacity building that is either from time to time or that reaches out to only some levels of stakeholders Results are prepared in long written documents Does not think about potential audiences Present data that is not helpful for developing recommendations Evaluator sends only final deliverables with no collaboration beforehand Evaluator sees self as expert and does not attempt to build capacity in others Participatory approach Knowledge of accountability requirements Nuanced understanding of project objectives and procedures Mindful and intentional planning of data collection activities

14 Slide 13 How do we use our Practice Profile?

15 What is “Missouri Model Districts (MMD)?”
Funded through State Personnel Development Grant A statewide system of support Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Regional Centers Districts MMD Coaching Support Teams Professional development is implemented and customized at the district-level

16 MMD Approach to Professional Development
The Statewide System of Support works together to help districts implement professional development. Content Training Coaching Professional Learning Modules for eight important educational practices. MMD Coaching Support Teams deliver trainings throughout the year to district faculty and staff. Coaching Support Team follow-up throughout the year with district leadership team, buildings, and teachers.

17 Customized District Approach
What will be the district’s content focus? Content Professional Learning Modules for eight educational practices. Each includes: Activities and readings Practice Profile aligned with Web-based Self-Assessment Practice Profile (SAPP) Pre/post assessment

18 Practice Profile for Developing Assessment Capable Learners (abbreviated)
Essential Function Exemplary Implementation Proficient Close to Proficient (Skill is emerging, but not yet to proficiency. Coaching is recommended.) Far from Proficient (Follow-up professional development and coaching are critical.) Educators teach students to determine “Where am I Going?” When teaching students to develop learning goals, 5/5 criteria occur: Educator: Writes daily targets using student-friendly language, using “I can __________” or “I know __________” statements. Creates daily opportunities for students to use or interact with learning targets. When teaching students to determine learning goals, 4/5 criteria occur and must include: Writes daily targets using student-friendly language, using “I can_______” or “I know ______” statements. When teaching students to determine learning goals, 3/5 criteria occur and must include: Writes daily targets using student-friendly language, using “I can _______” or “I know _______” When teaching students to determine learning goals, fewer than 3/5 criteria occur.

19 What is Self-Assessment Practice Profile (SAPP)

20 What is Self-Assessment Practice Profile (SAPP): Teacher Report
Essential Function Exemplary Implementation Proficient Close to Proficient (Skill is emerging, but not yet to proficiency. Coaching is recommended.) Far from Proficient (Follow-up professional development and coaching are critical.) Educators teach students to determine “Where am I Going?” When teaching students to develop learning goals, 5/5 criteria occur: Educator: Writes daily targets using student-friendly language, using “I can __________” or “I know __________” statements. Creates daily opportunities for students to use or interact with learning targets. When teaching students to determine learning goals, 4/5 criteria occur and must include: Writes daily targets using student-friendly language, using “I can_______” or “I know ______” statements. When teaching students to determine learning goals, 3/5 criteria occur and must include: Writes daily targets using student-friendly language, using “I can _______” or “I know _______” When teaching students to determine learning goals, fewer than 3/5 criteria occur.

21 What is Self-Assessment Practice Profile (SAPP): Building Report

22 What is Self-Assessment Practice Profile (SAPP): District Report

23 Benefits of the SAPP for Educators
Individual educators Teams of educators Building-level District-level Assess their own current level of knowledge, skills, and abilities in regard to the components of the MMD Framework. Choose areas of focus for their own professional growth regarding MMD practices. Assess a group’s (content level team or grade level team) current levels of knowledge, skills, and abilities in regard to the components of the MMD Framework. Assess building faculty and staff current levels of knowledge, skills, and abilities in regard to the components of the MMD Framework. Assess district’s, as well as individual buildings’, current levels of knowledge, skills, and abilities in regard to the components of the MMD Framework. Determine areas of focus.

24 Benefits of the SAPP for Project/Evaluators
Sets a baseline point Provides invaluable evidence about current district practices Adds important insight when used alongside other evaluation tools Allows for progress-monitoring throughout the year

25 Slide 24 Winding down

26 Revisiting Our Discussion Questions
1. How did we use practice profiles for capturing evidence and operationalizing innovations? 2. How did we use practice profiles in a formative process to help determine specific policy and program outcomes? 3. Are there additional elements that we need to add or consider to the work we have already done? Other Questions

27 2018 OSEP Project Directors’ Conference
OSEP Disclaimer 2018 OSEP Project Directors’ Conference DISCLAIMER: The contents of this presentation were developed by the presenters for the 2018 Project Directors’ Conference. However, these contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government. (Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1221e-3 and 3474)

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