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The French Revolution "Bourgeois" Phase: 1789-1792.

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1 The French Revolution "Bourgeois" Phase:

2 -- Charles Dickens A Tale of Two Cities
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity… -- Charles Dickens A Tale of Two Cities

3 Causes of French Revolution
Ideas of liberty and equality from the American Revolution (note: Constitution was signed 2 yrs before in 1787) Enlightenment ideas of John Locke

4 The French Monarchy: 1775 – 1793 Marie Antoinette & Louis XVI

5 Let Them Eat Cake! Marie Antoinette NEVER said that! “Madame Deficit”

6 Causes of French Revolution
Vast majority of people were broke and hungry. Vast majority were in the lowest estate

7 Three Estates

8 Socio-Economic Data, 1789

9 Bourgeoisie Part of the third estate, they were the “middle class” of France. They were bankers, merchants, factory owners (educated people) Led the revolution

10 Revolution - Beginnings
Although people were starving and the country was broke, the royal family flaunted their wealth and uncaring.

11 Bread Riots People were hungry; the country was broke.
This picture is from an all-woman bread riot. Marie Antionette said “let them eat cake” OR DID SHE????

12 The French Urban Poor

13 King Louis XVI His grandfather Louis XIV was the ultimate “absolutist” king. This king was weak He had so little control, he called for the French congress to fix some problems

14 The Estates General Meets
The part of the French Congress representing the third estate left and declared themselves THE congress of France.

15 1 1 1 The Suggested Voting Pattern: Voting by Estates Commoners
Clergy 1st Estate 1 Aristocracy 2nd Estate 1 1 Commoners 3rd Estate Louis XIV insisted that the ancient distinction of the three orders be conserved in its entirety.

16 The Number of Representatives in the Estates General: Vote by Head!
Clergy 1st Estate 300 Aristocracy 2nd Estate 300 648 Commoners 3rd Estate

17 Emmanuel Joseph Sieyes
1st What is the Third Estate? Everything! 2nd What has it been heretofore in the political order? Nothing! 3rd What does it demand? To become something therein! Abbé Sieyès

18 Convening the Estates General May, 1789
Last time it was called into session was 1614!

19 “The Third Estate Awakens”
The commoners finally presented their credentials not as delegates of the Third Estate, but as “representatives of the nation.” They proclaimed themselves the “National Assembly” of France.

20 “The Tennis Court Oath” by Jacques Louis David
June 20, 1789

21 Storming the Bastille, July 14, 1789
There had been a rumor that the king was planning a military coup against the National Assembly. In Response revolutionaries stormed the Medieval Fortress and symbol of Royal Authority 18 died. 73 wounded. 7 guards killed. It held 7 prisoners [5 ordinary criminals & 2 madmen].

22 He borrowed his terms from pathology.
Compares a revolution to a fever or a disease: The revolutionary “fever” begins with the appearance of certain “symptoms.” It proceeds by advances and retreats to a crisis stage, or “delirium.” The crisis ends when the “fever” breaks. A period of convalescence follows, interrupted by a relapse or two before the recovery is complete.

23 Crane Brinton: Conditions Present Before a Revolution Occurs
People from all social classes are discontented. People feel restless and held down by unacceptable restrictions in society, religion, the economy or the govt. People are hopeful about the future, but they are being forced to accept less than they had hoped for. People are beginning to think of themselves as belonging to a social class, and there is a growing bitterness between social classes. The social classes closest to one another are the most hostile.

24 Crane Brinton: The Course that Revolutions Seem to Take
Impossible demands made of government which, if granted, would mean its end. Unsuccessful government attempts to suppress revolutionaries. Revolutionaries gain power and seem united. Once in power, revolutionaries begin to quarrel among themselves, and unity begins to dissolve. The moderates gain the leadership but fail to satisfy those who insist on further changes.

25 Crane Brinton: The Course that Revolutions Seem to Take
Power is gained by progressively more radical groups until finally a lunatic fringe gains almost complete control. A strong man emerges and assumes great power. The extremists try to create a “heaven-on-earth” by introducing their whole program and by punishing all of their opponents. A period of terror [extreme violence] occurs. Moderate groups regain power. THE REVOLUTION IS OVER!

26 The Great Fear: Peasant Revolt (July 20, 1789)
Rumors that the feudal aristocracy [the aristos] were sending hired brigands to attack peasants and pillage their land.

27 Night Session of August 4, 1789
Before the night was over: The feudal regime in France had been abolished. All Frenchmen were, at least in principle, subject to the same laws and the same taxes and eligible for the same offices. Equality & Meritocracy!

28 National Constituent Assembly 1789 - 1791
Liberté! Egalité! Fraternité! August Decrees August 4-11, 1789 (A renunciation of aristocratic privileges!)

29 Citizen! The Tricolor (1789)
The WHITE of the Bourbons + the RED & BLUE of Paris. Citizen!

30 Events continued French created their own Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen modeled after TJ’s Declaration of Independence

31 The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen
August 26, 1789 Liberty! Property! Resistance to oppression! Thomas Jefferson was in Paris at this time.

32 The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen Posed New Dilemmas
Did women have equal rights with men? What about free blacks in the colonies? How could slavery be justified if all men were born free? Did religious toleration of Protestants and Jews include equal political rights?

33 Effects of the French Revolution
Both the King and Queen were beheaded French monarchy no more In addition to the Royal family, 17,000 people were executed with the guillotine.

34 Effects continued. . . Napoleon Bonaparte was elected leader, then appoints himself emperor of France. Sold Louisiana to TJ

35 This powerpoint was kindly donated to
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