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Text Structures Topic- Pianos.

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Presentation on theme: "Text Structures Topic- Pianos."— Presentation transcript:

1 Text Structures Topic- Pianos

2 Chronological Information is organize in order of time

3 Chronological example
The piano was first invented in in Florence , Italy. It was invited by Bartolomeo di Francesco Cristofori and it was first call a pianoforte. Even though that was over 300 years old, pianos today are not that different from Cristofori’s first pianos. Today there are several different types of pianos to choose from. Who knows what the future will bring will us.

4 Compare and Contrast Tells how two things are similar and different.

5 Compare and Contrast example
Today there are several different types of pianos. The two most popular pianos are the player piano and the digital piano. Both the player piano and digital pianos offer non players the opportunity to enjoy piano even though they can’t play. Also both pianos allow piano players to record their songs for later. Digital Pianos, however, offer the owner more options than a player piano. The digital piano can be helpful to a beginner because it can have keyboard lights which show what keys to hit play popular tunes.

6 Cause and Effect An action and its results are explained.

7 Cause and Effect Example
Ever wonder how a piano works? When you press a key on the piano it causes a small hammer inside the piano to hit a string or strings. Each key is connected to its own hammer or hammers which hit a specific string or number of strings. When the hammer hits a string, it cause the string to vibrate and make a sound that is tuned to a specific note. The vibration of the string is then passed on to the soundboard located just under the strings causing it to vibrate and resonate. The soundboard gives each piano its own unique sound and also helps to amplify the sound.

8 Problem and Solution A major problem that piano owners face is having their piano go out of tune. This means that when you the play the piano it does not create the right notes/sounds. One of the major causes of a change in piano tuning is humidity. The moisture in air makes the wood cells swell which tightens the strings. The first and simplest precaution you can take is to position your piano away from areas where it would be exposed to extremes of temperature and humidity such as heating and cooling vents, stoves, doors and windows. Direct sunlight is especially damaging. If your home is not well insulated, an interior wall is preferable to an outside wall.

9 Sequence/Process writing
Information is listed step-by-step. Explains how to do it or how it happens

10 Sequences/Process Example
If you want to learn how to the play the piano here are several steps for you to follow. First ,you must learn the different notes and how to read them. Once you have learned the notes, you are ready to learn the keys of the piano and which notes they play. After learning the keys, you can start learning to play simple songs like “Hot Cross Buns.”

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