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The science of weather forecasting

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Presentation on theme: "The science of weather forecasting"— Presentation transcript:

1 The science of weather forecasting
Karl Vincent N. Sy Mandela

2 Forecasting Phenomena of the atmosphere

3 Weather symbols H = high pressure L = low pressure Cloud cover
Wind barbs 1 knot = 1.85km/hr

4 Weather symbols Cold and warm front Stationary front Occluded front

5 Isobars Connecting lines with equal pressure

6 High and low pressure areas
Coriolis Effect Cyclonic and Anti cyclonic

7 Weather maps

8 Wind flags Determing the direction of the wind

9 El Niño and La Niño El Niño La Niña Dry Heat
U.S. = 3 month average warming La Niña Wet Cool Lower by 3 -5 degrees

10 References

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