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May 8th, 2017 University High APUSH.

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Presentation on theme: "May 8th, 2017 University High APUSH."— Presentation transcript:

1 May 8th, 2017 University High APUSH

2 Any questions about the questions?
AP Test Any questions about the questions? If you want detailed responses, I will post a link to the questions to the weebly on Wednesday with comments. Please fill out the survey that can be found at

3 Other Announcements Roles decided for mock trial
(if the assigned role is an issue in some way, have a private conversation with me later) This will be officially defined on Thursday Presidents Tests will be in gradebook soon There will be an opportunity to improve your score by taking it after school Your “Final exam” portion of the gradebook will include your scores for various parts of the final project and your EOCA score EOCA will be taken during last three days of school Other bins in gradebook essentially completed at this point

4 9/11 and how it Changed America
APUSH Period 9 and beyond

5 Opening question How have the 9/11 Terrorist Attacks been taught to you during your education?

6 What information from this video have you never heard before?
Intro Videos What information in this video have you learned about previously (either in school or through friends/family)? What information from this video have you never heard before?

7 Article Questions (for each section)
What group(s) of people are most directly impacted by this change? What is the clearest way in which this change impacts daily lives of people living in the United States? How has this impacted your life or the lives of people you know?

8 How should 9/11 be taught in school?
Closing Question How should 9/11 be taught in school? What events, themes, statements should be emphasized?

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