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Biology EOC Highlight Review

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1 Biology EOC Highlight Review
Courtesy of Mr. S. Russillo

2 pH Scale - measure of H+ ions in a solution Example (1-6) = Acid – high concentration of H+ ions (7) = Neutral- equal concentration of H+ OH- ions (8-14)= Base – high concentration of OH- ions *Buffer- compounds used to neutralize acids & bases to stabilize pH


4 Organic Compounds All organisms are made of organic compounds.
Contain the element Carbon Carbohydrates, Proteins, Lipids, Nucleic Acids

5 Carbohydrates Monomer- monosaccharide
Function- energy source and structure Tests: glucose-Benedicts starch- Iodine fructose Ex. Cellulose, glycogen, starch

6 Lipids Made of fatty acids and glycerol
Function- energy storage and insulation Tests: brown paper test Examples: fats and steroids Lipid vs. water

7 Nucleic Acids Monomer- nucleotide Function- carry genetic information
Ex. DNA and RNA

8 Proteins Monomer- amino acids
Function- building and repairing cells, communication, transport, and regulation Tests- Biurets Examples: enzymes, hemoglobin

9 Enzymes Catalysts(speed up chemical reactions
Specific to a particular substrate Reusable Affected by temperature and pH

10 Cells Prokaryotes Eukaryotes Simple, no membrane bound organelles
Bacteria only One circular chromosome Includes: chromosome, ribosomes, and plasma membrane Eukaryotes Membrane bound organelles Plants and Animals True nucleus containing chromosomes

11 Nucleus Controls the cell’s activities Contains chromosomes

12 Mitochondria “Powerhouse” of the cell
Produces energy in the form of ATP Site of Aerobic respiration

13 Chloroplast Site of photosynthesis Plant cells ONLY
Contains the pigment chlorophyll

14 Vacuole Storage of excess materials
Plant cells usually contain one large vacuole

15 Ribosomes Proteins are synthesized(makes proteins)
Found in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes

16 Plasma Membrane aka: Cell Membrane
Surrounds the cell Regulates what enters/leaves the cell Helps maintain homeostasis Made of phospholipids with embedded proteins

17 Cell Wall Plant cells ONLY
Surrounds cell and provides support and protection. Made of cellulose

18 Eukaryotes Plant Animal Cell wall Chloroplast Large central vacuole

19 Cell Organization Cell Tissue Organ Organ System Individual organism

20 Cell Specialization cells develop to perform different functions
Regulated by genes

21 Diffusion Passive transport across a membrane No energy needed
Solutes move from high to low concentration

22 Osmosis Diffusion of water (also passive transport)

23 Active Transport Particles moving against the concentration gradient which REQUIRES ENERGY (ATP) Low to high concentration

24 ATP Energy storing molecule Can be used for quick energy by the cell
Energy is stored in the phosphate bonds

25 Photosynthesis Water and Carbon Dioxide used to produce Glucose and Oxygen H2O + CO2  C6H12O6 + O2 Occurs in the chloroplast

26 Aerobic Respiration Used to release energy (ATP) for cellular use
C6H12O6 + O2  H2O + CO2 Occurs in the mitochondria

27 Anaerobic Respiration aka Fermentation
Does not require Oxygen also used to release energy, but not as efficient as aerobic respiration (less ATP) Products include CO2 and lactic acid or alcohol Two Types: Alcoholic Fermentation and Lactic Acid Fermentation

28 Autotroph vs. Heterotroph
Obtain energy from the environment Photosynthesis or chemosynthesis “Producers” Obtain energy from other living things “Consumers”

29 DNA / RNA Carry genetic information Made of a chain of nucleotides
Nucleotides contain a sugar, phosphate, and a nitrogen base

30 DNA / RNA DNA Double stranded “Double Helix” Four base pairs: ATGC
Sugar is Deoxyribose Found in nucleus RNA Single stranded Four base pairs: AUCG Sugar is Ribose

31 Base Pair Rule In DNA, Adenine always pairs with Thymine
Guanine always pairs with Cytosine

32 Replication Making of an identical strand of DNA Needed for mitosis
“semi” conservative Half is old strand Half is new strand

33 DNA  RNA  protein  trait
Central Dogma DNA  RNA  protein  trait

34 Transcription DNA  mRNA Occurs in nucleus
Complementary mRNA strand is produced from a segment of DNA

35 Translation Connects amino acids in the correct order to make a protein Occurs in the cytoplasm within the ribosomes A- amino acid B- tRNA C- anticodon D- codon E- mRNA F- Ribosome G-polypeptide

36 Codon Sequence of three mRNA nucleotides that code for an amino acid

37 Mutations Change in DNA code May cause a change in protein produced
NOT always harmful Can be caused by radiation Sickle Cell Mutation

38 Mitosis Cell division Produces Occurs in body cells to grow and repair
two cells Identical cells Diploid cells Occurs in body cells to grow and repair

39 Cancer Error in cell growth which causes uncontrolled cell growth
Caused by environmental & genetic factors

40 Meiosis Cell division Produces Occurs in sex cells to form gametes
four cells all different haploid cells Gametes(sperm/egg) Occurs in sex cells to form gametes

41 Crossing Over Happens in Meiosis
Homologous chromosomes exchange parts of their DNA Creates variation in gametes

42 Nondisjunction Homologous chromosomes fail to separate during meiosis
Can lead to Down Syndrome

43 Asexual vs. Sexual Reproduction
One parent Identical offspring Variation only thru mutations Examples: budding, fragmentation, fission Sexual Two parents Offspring different from parents More variation Fertilization (fusion of gametes)

44 Inheritance Traits are specific characteristics inherited from parents
Genes are the factors that determine traits The different forms of a gene are called alleles

45 Dominant/Recessive Alleles
Dominant alleles are expressed, if present, and recessive are hidden

46 Genotype actual alleles an individual has for a trait
Homozygous Both alleles are the same Ex. BB or bb Heterozygous Both alleles are different Ex. Bb

47 Phenotype The actual characteristic displayed by the individual (ex. brown eyes, Hemophiliac)

48 Incomplete Dominance Heterozygote shows a blending of the dominant and recessive phenotypes

49 Codominance Heterozygote expresses BOTH dominant and recessive traits
Ex. Roan animals(have two dominant colors)

50 Polygenic Traits Traits are influenced by more than one gene
Ex. skin color

51 Multiple Alleles More than two alleles for a trait
Ex. Blood Type (IA,IB, i) Phenotype Genotype type A = IAIA or IAi type B = IBIB or IBi type AB= IAIB type O = ii

52 Sex Linked Traits Sex Chromosomes
Female = XX Male = XY Sex linked traits are carried on the X chromosome Inherited by males more Ex. Hemophilia red-green colorblindness

53 Test Cross used to determine the phenotype of an unknown dominant individual uses a homozygous recessive individual as the “test”

54 Pedigree similar to a family tree
Shows pattern of inheritance of a specific trait through a family Squares = males, Circles = females

55 Karyotype Picture of someone's chromosomes
Can detect chromosomal disorders Ex. Down Syndrome

56 Gel Electrophoresis Technique used to separate molecules (DNA or proteins) based on their size Sometimes called a DNA fingerprint Used to analyze and compare DNA

57 Recombinant DNA Cell with DNA from another source Ex.
Bacteria used to produce human insulin Human gene inserted into bacterial plasmid

58 Transgenic Organism An organism with a gene from another organism
used to improve food, for research, & healthcare Fish with glow DNA from jellyfish

59 Clone An organism made from one cell of another organism
A genetically identical copy

60 Origin of Life Early Earth LACKED Oxygen
Early organisms were anaerobic prokaryotes Miller and Urey experiment recreating the early atmosphere

61 Endosymbiotic Theory Eukaryotic cells evolved from prokaryotes
Early prokaryotes engulfed other prokaryotes and developed symbiotic relationships Evidence includes mitochondria and chloroplast have prokaryotic type DNA

62 Natural Selection Theory of Evolution
Fit organisms survive, reproduce, and pass on traits Requirements: Variation Competition

63 Adaptations Trait that increases survival For Example,
Beaks that make it easier to eat insects Bright flowers to attract pollinators Vascular tissue in plants to adapt to life on land

64 Evidence for Evolution
Fossil Record Biochemical Similarities(DNA) Shared anatomical structures

65 Speciation Evolution of a new species
must be isolation between populations

66 Antibiotic and Pesticide Resistance
Populations will eventually become resistant to pesticides and antibiotics with overuse

67 Coevolution Two organisms evolve in response to each other
Ex. Flowering plants and their pollinators

68 Binomial Nomenclature
Two word naming system Scientific name Uses Genus and Species names Ex. Dogs: Canis familiaris

69 Dichotomous Keys Used to identify organisms
Paired set of questions with two choices

70 Levels of Organization

71 Phylogenic tree

72 Genetic Disorders and the Environment
Many diseases have both genetic and environmental factors Ex. Cancer, diabetes, PKU

73 Ecosystems Collection of abiotic (nonlivng) and biotic (living) factors in an area Together they influence growth, survival, and productivity of an organism

74 Symbiotic Relationships
Relationship between two organisms in which one benefits Types: Mutualism (+,+) Parasitism (+,-) Commensalism (+, o)

75 Predation Predator eats prey Evolve in response to one another

76 Carrying Capacity Maximum number of individuals that an ecosystem can support Limiting factors: Food availability Competition Disease Predation Natural Disasters

77 Carbon Cycle

78 Trophic Levels Steps in a food chain/web
Energy passes from one organism to another About 10% of the energy at one level passes to the next

79 Human Population Growth= birth rate-death rate

80 Human Impacts Negative Positive Acid Rain Reforestation Deforestation
Habitat Destruction Invasive Species Ozone depletion from the release of CFCs Reforestation Cover Cropping Recycling Sustainable practice

81 Global Warming Increase in the average temperature of the earth
Caused by the release of too much CO2 into the atmosphere which amplifies the greenhouse effect Burning of fossil fuels, volcanic eruptions

82 Bioaccumulation An increase in environmental toxins at higher tropic levels Ex. DDT and birds of prey

83 Innate Behavior Behaviors an animal is born with
Includes suckling, migration, hibernation Ex. weaving of spider webs

84 Learned Behavior Behavior an animal acquires during its lifetime
Includes Habituation Conditioning Trial and error

85 Social Behavior Communication between individuals of the same species
Can be courtship, territorial or chemical (pheromones)

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