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The Maritime Revolution

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1 The Maritime Revolution

2 Polynesians Great sailing people – went to Hawaii, New Zealand and Easter Island Migrated from Philippines and Indonesia Amazing navigators (stars; ocean currents; birds) Not explorers or conquerors; looked for resources and places to settle



5 Inventions Caravel Lateen sail Astrolabe Cannons
Printing – Johann Gutenberg (from Chinese)

6 The Situation What product from the Indies is most valuable in Europe?
How do they usually get it? Problem (for the Europeans): Muslims control access to Mediterranean trade routes Europeans begin seeking new routes to the Indies


8 European Expansion European govts. Encourage expansion- compare to Ming Three “G’s”: God, gold, and glory…and rivalry Marco Polo’s adventures, the Crusades, and a desire for spices also helped spur voyages of exploration sought to break already established monopolies Build on previous technology

9 Portugal First European country to start exploring
Prince Henry the Navigator Vasco Da Gama Uses force in the Indian Ocean (reason?) Takes Goa (India), Hormuz, Swahili states Africa- want to stem rise of Ottoman empire Congo – slave trade (1500s) Brazil- sets up sugar plantation Cannot sustain, power fades by 17th century

10 Spain Columbus - 1492- (It’s a big world after all)
Importance- creates a permanent link between the Eastern and Western hemispheres Magellan – around the world in three years Spain


12 Magellan’s Voyage

13 Hernan Cortez Francisco Pizarro The Conquistadors

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