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D40 ISO Experiment.

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Presentation on theme: "D40 ISO Experiment."— Presentation transcript:

1 D40 ISO Experiment

2 Your Task Shooting on Auto-No Flash take exposures of the same subject changing only the ISO setting HI+1 1600 800 400 200 OBSERVE the difference images on a computer, REFLECT on results

3 Pick a scene

4 Don’t move around

5 Think about stabilizing your camera

6 Record your results

7 Regroup to discuss

8 Film & the Exposure Triangle

9 Types of Film– ISO/ASA The International Standards Organization ISO or American Standards Association “ASA” created a designated a number for every type of film that measures the film’s sensitivity to light Each number is double or half as sensitive as the next available film Ex: 25, 50, 100, 200… 9

10 Slow film= 25-50 ISO/ASA + Smooth texture
+ Captures maximum amount of detail + Useful for still life photos and non-moving subjects - Tripod needed & plenty of light - Longer exposures 10

11 Fast film= 200-3200 ISO/ASA + Shooting in low light situations
+ Allows for hand-holding the camera + Shorter exposures/Fast shutter speeds Coarse detail Grainy texture 11

12 Medium film= 100 ISO/ASA + Good for portraits + Medium grain
+ Med exposures -Tripod will still be needed in med-low light situations 12

13 The exposure triangle ✔ ISO changes the graininess of a shot & overall exposure time Aperture (also changes the depth of field) Shutter speed (also impacts how motion is captured) 13

14 Which type of film did they use??

15 Which type of film did they use?

16 Which type of film did they use??
Edward Weston, Pepper, 1930. 16

17 In short! ISO/ASA: Higher number= Higher grain Lower number= Lower sensitivity to light (longer exps)

18 ISO conclusions Use ISO knowledge to buy film for your specific purpose To limit noise add light or sacrifice high shutter speed settings Consider experimenting with ISO settings on your digital cams or just use auto

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