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Presentation on theme: "CELL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTIONS"— Presentation transcript:


2 Cell Types Eukaryotic: has a nucleus and membrane bound organelles
Prokaryotic: has no nucleus Important: Both types have DNA

3 Common factors in all cells!
Cell Membrane Cytoplasm DNA (the genetic code)

4 Organelle “little organs”
A subunit in a cell that has a special function

5 Cell Structure and Function
Plasma membrane (cell membrane) Surrounds and protects cells Selectively permeable Maintains cellular homeostasis

6 Structure of the Plasma Membrane
Phospholipid Bilayer Hydrophobic tails Hydrophilic heads Embedded and surface proteins Transport Cell cell identification Cholesterol Prevents fatty acid chains from sticking together

7 Plasma membrane Phospholipid bilayer
Outermost layer and inner most layer are water-soluble Middle layer is water-insoluble

8 Structure of the Plasma Membrane
Embedded and surface proteins Transport Cell to cell identification Cholesterol Prevents fatty acid chains from sticking together

9 Structure of the plasma membrane
Cholesterol Prevents the layers from sticking together Helps the cell membrane hold its form Cholesterol

10 Cytoplasm Clear gelatinous fluid in which organelles and other cell parts are held

11 Animals vs. Plants Both are eukaryotic plant cell animal cell

12 How do plant and animal cells differ?
Plant cells have a cell wall and contain chloroplasts- animal cells lack these structures Cell Wall Chloroplasts

13 Cell Wall Found in plant cells, fungi, and most bacteria
Made of cellulose

14 Cell wall Function Provides added protection and structure
Is porous and allows any molecule that is not too big to pass (is not selectively permeable)

15 Plants maintain their basic structure because of the cell wall.
Turgid Placid


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