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International cooperation / global markets and EU competitiveness

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1 International cooperation / global markets and EU competitiveness
Standards & Interoperability in ICT ETPs - ETSI Workshop Oct , Sophia Antipolis Panel 5 International cooperation / global markets and EU competitiveness How to ensure win-win partnership through standards? Roger Torrenti CEO Homega Research Member of the NEM Steering Board

2 Importance of international cooperation
(and standards, and IP provisions) in FP7 WPs  action needed! Cooperating with whom? developing, emerging and/or developed economies? bilaterally or multilaterally? Which standards? national, regional, global? de facto, de jure? short, medium or long term? International cooperation (on standards) in ETPs? EU competitiveness in an increasingly global (and changing) marketplace Why international cooperation?  one of the suited ways to support business development, through mutual understanding, consensus building, esteem and confidence? Why cooperating on standards? importance of ICT standards in markets going global? makes agreements on IP easier? How should cooperation projects be developed? on a case-by-case basis? increased exchange of researchers? Which cooperation?  with ‘mutual interest’, ‘balanced’, and ‘reciprocity’ as key words? Which role for ETPs? ETP specific CSAs? cross ETPs unified initiatives?

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