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Discovering Diversity and Discrimination

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Presentation on theme: "Discovering Diversity and Discrimination"— Presentation transcript:

1 Discovering Diversity and Discrimination
Chapter 21, Section 2

2 Equal Protection Clause
Read it – red heading “Equal Protection Clause” and blue heading “Reasonable Classification”. Discuss it. Explain it – thoroughly.

3 Jim Crow Laws Read it – the red heading “Segregation by Race”.
Discuss it. Explain it – thoroughly.

4 Plessy v. Ferguson Read it – the blue heading “The Separate but Equal Doctrine”. Discuss it. Explain it – thoroughly.

5 Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka
Read it – the blue heading “Brown v. Board of Education”. Discuss it. Explain it – thoroughly.

6 De Jure and De Facto Segregation
Read it – the blue heading “De Jure, De Facto Segregation”. Discuss it. Explain it – thoroughly.

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