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Excel 2016 Introduction to Formulas: Lab Webinar

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1 Excel 2016 Introduction to Formulas: Lab Webinar
Welcome ! Excel 2016 Introduction to Formulas: Lab Webinar with Cindy Kredo Basic Function Formula Foundation Syntax / shortcuts for common functions Absolute / Relative References Building Blocks for Advanced Functions Q & A Length: 1 Hour © 2017 Cindy Kredo

2 Intro class Next steps Basic Function Formula Foundation
Ab$olute / Relative References Building Blocks for Advanced Functions Next steps This webinar is available in pre-recorded format Upcoming webinars: July 20th PM EST – Beyond the Basics - Formulas Pre-recorded Webinars Formulas – Beyond the Intro (lab format) Filters and Formulas Intermediate Part I and Part II String formulas Formulas Beyond the Intro – IF, Vlookup, SumIf, Countif, Text functions

3 Successful Webinar Tips
Attending a webinar at your desk is great, but be prepared for potential distractions! Speak with your supervisor and if possible: Post a sign at your workstation “Training in Progress – Please Do Not Interrupt” Prepare an “out of office” message that alerts contacts that you are in the office, but in training from __ to __.  Close out of your and instant communicator while you attend the webinar If you can, sequester yourself in a different location where you can fully focus on the task at hand!

4 Poll – who are you? Looking for basics; minimal exposure to Excel formulas Good at simple formulas; might struggle with functions or advanced formulas Not sure how your exposure would be rated: you’re just here for the ride to learn what you can

5 How will this session work?
You should have the file “Excel Formula Lab Data.xlsx” open and the Lab Document (Word file) printed per the earlier ! I talk approximately 50% of the upcoming hour  YOU experiment the other half! Most new topics discussed are followed by a hands-on lab which you will do independently.

6 Cindy Kredo: Who am I? I am an independent contractor, with solid experience in Access / Excel / SQL Server / and Crystal Reports I only teach subject matter for software and concepts that I have used extensively in “real world” projects!

7 Excel Simplified Every worksheet cell contains one or more of these:
Values (text/numbers or blank cell) Expressions Math Logical/Comparison Functions Briefly mention that Data Tables now result in some new symbols (square brackets signs), but other than Data Table formulas, most cells are limited to these types. Every formula starts with equal sign Cover symbols: + - * / >= <= PEMDAS Order of Operations: =2+5*3 equals 17 because the multiplication is done before addition * exceptions: hyperlinks; data table formulas

8 Exiting Edit Mode TOP: Excel is waiting for input; ready to create and/or destroy formulas BOTTOM: Excel is done with the formula (user hit enter OR selected the checkmark) Clicking the X will cancel changes to the current cell.

9 Functions In Excel, a function refers to a special command that returns a value Functions are categorized by type Examples:

10 Function Syntax Every function formula:
starts with an equal sign or is nested inside another function that has an equal sign has a name which tends to be a descriptive word for what it accomplishes has an open parenthesis right after the function name and a close parenthesis after any special instructions Examples: sum, average, count, if, sumif, left, now Tip: EVERY formula in Excel starts with an equal sign!

11 Arguments Special instructions inside the parenthesis are called arguments Not all functions have arguments, but they always have the parenthesis Most functions have one or more arguments Multiple arguments are always separated by commas Colons between cell ranges indicate a begin/end point Provide examples

12 Arguments and Language
Excel cannot speak English Excel understands numbers, cell references, expressions, with math and/or comparison operators, and words that define functions English words (that are not a function) are NOT understood by Excel and need to be entered in double quotes (as in “Excel – please take this literally”)

13 Which of these follow the rules?
You do not need to understand what a formula does to determine if it follows the rules! Items 1 through 10 – which ones work? All the even numbers work. Have students enter the numbers on the screen for those that work. Happy and Sad need to be in quotes because Excel doesn’t ‘know’ English. 2,4,6,8,10 are valid – others are not

14 Shortcuts for common functions
Sum Count Average Minimum Maximum Use Sales worksheet tab to demo creating the Sum function. 1) use SIGMA in cell B8 and copy over; discuss relative references; 2) Select cells B8:E8 and use sigmas to show doing all totals at one; 3) manually type the =SUM and use mouse to drag over cells; 4) Function wizard can be used but we’ll do that one later Keyboard Tip: Alt = is a keyboard shortcut for SUM

15 Multiple Sums at Once You are not limited to just one column at a time! Position Cursor in cells to be summed Press AutoSum button or Alt = The sum formula will be entered in all selected cells!

16 Breakout Session 2 Your turn! Open Excel Formula Lab Data.xlsx
Go to the Tab labeled Breakout 2 Follow the instructions on the Handout Answers on are Tab labeled 2 Answers 5 minutes? Breakout Session 2

17 Counting Notice the Count() function specifically states “Count Numbers” When you need to count alphanumeric items, add the letter A to the end of the function word Count as shown.

18 Averages and Spaces It is common (and good practice) to leave an extra space between the data and totals. In the above example, the blank space that is being included will not skew the averages. Averages always exclude blank cells.

19 Filling in the Arguments (Range)
Excel will “guess” the range you want to work with When Excel doesn’t select the right cells, use your mouse to drag over the selection you DO want with the left mouse button pressed – the range initially selected by Excel will be replaced when you let go of the mouse button

20 Filling in the Arguments (Cells)
If you want individual cells and/or multiple ranges, separate each cell address/range address with a comma Use the mouse to click on each cell or range

21 Quick Function Results
If you need to know a total for a small group of cells just for quick use without needing to display it on the spreadsheet, select the cells and then check out the lower right corner of the screen!

22 Copying Formulas When the same formula is needed in multiple rows or columns, a formula can be copied and pasted and Excel will automatically adjust the cell addresses using a concept called Relative Referencing. Try it! On the Sales sheet, enter a Qtr Total in cell E3 using the AutoSum button. Then copy and paste that formula into Cell E4. Notice that the references to row 3 is now row 4.

23 Copying Formulas – Quick Tip
The thin crosshair arrow (fill arrow) can be used to quickly copy a formula down or across a spreadsheet Position the mouse cursor in the lower right corner of the cell until the mouse pointer looks like this: Then hold the left mouse button down and drag across the cells that you want to copy the formula to

24 Copying Formulas (continued)
When copying a formula DOWN a spreadsheet, as long as there is data to the left OR the right of the destination cells, double-clicking the fill arrow copies the formula down the page! Double-clicking this cell results in this: The copy stopped at the first blank row

25 Relative Referencing Excel changes copied formulas using Relative Referencing. Excel does NOT change formulas that are moved (vs. copied). The adjustment made is “relative to” the movement on the spreadsheet: ie if a formula is copied into a row that is 4 rows below where you started, and 2 columns over, all addresses will be changed to be 4 rows below and 2 columns over!

26 Breakout Session 3 Your turn! Open Excel Formula Lab Data.xlsx
Go to the Tab labeled Breakout 3 Follow the instructions on the Handout 5 minutes? Breakout Session 3

27 Poll – What will this formula be?
If the formula in cell E3 is =SUM(B3:D3), what will it become if it is copied to cell F3? What will the same formula become if it is copied to cell F4? Demo this on the Sales worksheet tab Correct answers 1. =SUM(C3:E3) 2. =SUM(C4:E4) Good use for Q&A vs. Chat

28 Combining Ranges and Math
Formulas can often be created in multiple ways.

29 Breakout Session 4 Your turn! Open Excel Formula Lab Data.xlsx
Go to the Tab labeled Breakout 4 Follow the instructions in the handout 8 min Breakout Session 4

30 Absolute References Relative Referencing makes copying formulas in Excel a breeze, but it is not always a good thing! Can you imagine a scenario where you don’t want cell references to change when a formula is copied? Prevent a column or row (or both) from being modified when copied by putting a dollar sign in front of the column or row reference

31 Absolute References, continued
In this example, when the formula in G6 is copied down the page, the cell address of C1 will always remain the same. Add the dollar signs by pressing the F4 function key after selecting a cell reference

32 F4 Key tips When building a formula, immediately after selecting a cell with the mouse, pressing the F4 key adds dollar signs to both the Column and Row portion of the address. Each subsequent press of the F4 key will cycle through the different column/row options ie $A$1, A$1, $A1, A1 If you forget to use the F4 key, you can also click your cursor anywhere in the cell address in the formula bar – then press F4.

33 Breakout Session 5 Your turn! Open Excel Formula Lab Data.xlsx
Go to the Tab labeled Breakout 5 Follow the instructions in the handout Breakout Session 5

34 Beyond the Common Functions
Excel offers a step by step wizard to help you fill out function formulas. Why? When working with formulas beyond the common ones on the AutoSum button, the wizard is your friend. The wizard provides help with function arguments, can be used to search for the correct function name, and provides easy access to a help screen about the function.

35 Summoning the Wizard With cursor in EMPTY cell, use the Insert Function button (either one will do) OR – use the category dropdowns on the Formula Tab OR – if you know the function name, start typing by entering = FunctionName( then click the Insert Function button

36 Category Dropdowns Once you are familiar with function categories, the mini-help screens will also be of assistance!

37 Breakout Session 6 Your turn!
Let’s test Microsoft’s ability to give you information you need based on their help screens Work together as a team in answering these questions. Our goal at this point is NOT to complete the formulas. The goal is to simply figure out WHICH function to use. Explain that we will complete some of these formulas together. The remaining webinar time will be spent discussing and using functions at student requests. Breakout Session 6

38 Meet the Wizard If you know the function name, type it in the top box and click GO Select the function from the window labeled “Select a function” and click OK If you do not know the function name, you can either type the description in the search bar, or try limiting the functions in the list below by picking a category in the “Or select a category” dropdown.

39 Using the Wizard Demo how to use the wizard; the way the arguments will expand as items are selected; the completion of the equal sign, function name, parens in the formula bar. The wizard does all the typing in the formula bar: you just use the mouse

40 If the wizard is in your way
This icon will temporarily collapse the size of the wizard

41 Fx Function Help Position cursor in any cell with a function formula
Press fx button to the left of the Formula bar to get to the mini help screen Select Help on This Function link for more

42 Topics Covered   Simple Math / PEMDAS / Edit Mode  Function Syntax  Relative References  Absolute References ($A$2)  Shortcuts: sigma, double click copy, copy drag, F4 function key, quick sums  Wizard Help  fx Help 

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