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Logical Fallacies Part I

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1 Logical Fallacies Part I
PHIL 121: Methods of Reasoning February 6, 2013 Instructor:Karin Howe Binghamton University

2 Small Change to the Syllabus
New weighting for grades: Participation: 10% Homework: 15% Reading Questions: 10% Exam 1: 5% Exam 2: 10% Exam 3: 10% Exam 4: 10% Final Exam: 30%

3 Formal vs. Informal Fallacies
Formal fallacies are a matter of the form or structure of an argument (recall the list of formal fallacies from the argument diagramming course) Whereas informal fallacies can only be discovered by looking at the content of an argument Question: can an argument contain both a formal and informal fallacy?

4 false cause A Banana in Ernie's Ear (focus on Part 2) false cause

5 appeal to ignorance

6 false cause (gambler's fallacy)

7 appeal to pity appeal to the people? appeal to force

8 hasty generalization

9 slippery slope

10 appeal to the people

11 missing the point? red herring?

12 appeal to the people

13 accident

14 red herring

15 strawman

16 false cause

17 appeal to force

18 slippery slope

19 argument against the person (or the goose, as the case may be)

20 appeal to pity?


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