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Making the Future More Safe

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Presentation on theme: "Making the Future More Safe"— Presentation transcript:

1 Making the Future More Safe
Lynn Dunlop

2 Safety in the UK Enviable Tweaks Less safe not more safe

3 Heinrich’s Triangle 1 29 300 Questioning our assumptions

4 About Me Behavioural Science Not Psychology Not BBS

5 Our Environment Behaviours are dependent on DNA, past history and environment. Environment is the room… We have the power to change our environments and that of others. It is very powerful indeed.

6 Science Make Things Predictable
Behavioural Science Helps Us to Predict Behaviours

7 Behaviours are predictable
Drill story

8 What Could Have Prevented This?
Supervisor asking about the replacement of tools.

9 What Wouldn’t Have Prevented This?
Explain antecedents, 20:80 rule

10 Mass s Awareness isn’t enough (Show of hands for speed limit)

11 Signs on the Wall “Thrawn” Patronising Signs at home? Do they work?

12 Disciplinaries Attempting to punish someone after they’ve been injured isn’t punishment, it’s retribution. Have a think about what you are trying to achieve? – are you likely to get that? Who are you ‘punishing’? The person who’s been injured? Is it the punishment that’s likely to prevent another injury occurring? Or the rest of the workforce; the ones who weren’t injured? Will that that make the future more safe? What are you ‘punishing’? The activity of drilling with the wrong drill? Or of trying to please the customer and do the best job you can in the circumstances? How will this make the future more safe?

13 More Safe for the Future?
Reducing paperwork Creating certainty Setting up the environment for success

14 Reducing paperwork Unintended downstream impact
Policy of reducing paperwork? Poynton “Most of the decisions we make about our roads are based on assumptions Pragmatism

15 “Most of the decisions we make about our roads are based on assumptions from the 1930s.”
- Ben Hamilton-Baillie Compare to Heinrich

16 Creating Certainty Too many rules/regs lead to uncertainty
People like certainty more than we appreciate (LU) Uncertainty causes distractions (aeroplane story) Distractions make everything less safe

17 Create the conditions for success
Be aware of the power of the environment You get the behaviours you reinforce – Near misses Consequence providers Peer pressure

18 Three things to try tomorrow
Question your assumptions Try something new Be scientific Are you doing things because it’s the way they’ve always been done? If you keep doing what you’re doing, you’ll get what you always got. Measure your results. Don’t leave it to chance to find out if something works. If you send out a safety alert and you can get data that it has succeeded at doing what you needed it to do, that’s great. But if you don’t test for it, you’ll never know. And that means there’s a chance that even though you have the best intentions, you might be making things less safe.

19 Bring out the best in people
Workers want to do a good job Directors want them to do a good job It’s about setting up the environment so you are giving people the best possible chance of doing their jobs safely. Figure out where those disconnects are, and make the future more safe for everyone.


Thank you

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