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The Ottoman Empire Samuels/Wright 7th Grade Social Studies Tapp MS.

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1 The Ottoman Empire Samuels/Wright th Grade Social Studies Tapp MS

2 Origins 1299-1923 Started by Osman I, a Turkish-Anatolia Tribal leader
Empire included modern day: Turkey Lebanon Syria Israel Iraq Egypt Jordan

3 Expansion In 1453, Mehmet II the Conqueror captures Constantinople from the Byzantium Empire, makes it the Ottoman capital Many scholars and artists fled to Italy, sparking the European Renaissance and Age of Exploration

4 Peak The empire was at its peak under Suleiman the Magnificent during the 16th century (1500s) Expanded the empire to include Greece, Hungary, & most of Eastern Europe Formed a military alliance with France “The Golden Age”

5 Decline The empire begins declining in the 18th century (1700s)
Trading competition with Europe and India Poor leadership with corruption Empire dissolves, Republic of Turkey forms in 1923

6 Did you know? Istanbul remains the capital of Turkey
Ottoman leaders were Muslims, but allowed conquered regions to practice their own religion; this was to help prevent rebellions. Ottomans, (furniture piece) get their names from a popular seating item from this part of the world Betty White was born before the fall of the Ottoman Empire (1922)


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