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Presentation on theme: "Influences."— Presentation transcript:

1 Influences

2 Definition The capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of someone or something, or on the effect itself.



5 There are two types of influences
Internal Influence External Influence Your own private values and attitudes Come from your family, your friends, cultural or religious groups and society’s norms.

6 Some Common Influences

7 Family Can be a positive influence (encouraging) or a negative influence (discouraging) Can be so strong that you aren’t even aware of it Sometimes people react against family expectations and go the opposite way Examples: take over the family business, go into same line of work as another family member

8 Make a list of the expectations that family/guardians have for you.

9 Your own family If you choose to have your own family (partner, children), how will that influence your future goals and career choices? Examples of influences: Extra money needed to support new family Family responsibilities Restrictions on how far you would go for your job or the hours you would work

10 Your Peer Group Another strong influence in your life is your peer group- your friends, the group you hang out with, other members of the school Peer pressure is a form of influence Your career and future choices can be influenced by your peer group- whether or not to attend post-secondary, where to work etc.

11 Make a list of the expectations that your peers have for you.

12 Other External Factors

13 Chance Chance plays a part into any life
You can ‘fall into’ a job by chance, or being in the right place at the right time Chance can also prevent you from doing what you want

14 Physical Factors Consider your physical factors when planning for the future. If you don’t look a certain way, for example, you won’t be a model. If you don’t have a certain body type, you won’t be a body builder. If you have bad eyesight, you won’t be a pilot.

15 Economic Factors Financial status and the state of the economy are external factors that will affect your future plans and career choice Everyone wants a job that pays well. Skills that are in high demand attract the most people.

16 Make a list of external factors that have affected your own choices or your family’s careers

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