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Act of Faith O my God, relying on thy infinite goodness

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Presentation on theme: "Act of Faith O my God, relying on thy infinite goodness"— Presentation transcript:

1 Act of Faith O my God, relying on thy infinite goodness
and promises, I hope to obtain pardon of my sins, the help of thy grace, and life everlasting, through the merits of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Redeemer. Amen.

2 Chapter One: The First Americans: Prehistory to 1492

3 Lesson One: Early Peoples

4 Why do we study history? What are some important parts of a culture?

5 Why Do We Study History? For the sake of learning
To understand our past and the past of other peoples To avoid making previous mistakes again To learn about how different factors shape society, like religion, economics, etc. Can you think of any other reasons?

6 What Are Some Important Parts of Culture?

7 Archaeology Archaeology is the study of ancient peoples.
Archaeologists study artifacts, or things from the past left behind by other peoples. E.g. stone tools, weapons, baskets, carvings Think less this: And more this:

8 The Most Recent Ice Age Earth has passed through several ice ages.
Ice Age: period of very cold temperatures when many parts of the earth were covered with large ice sheets. Most recent Ice Age? 100,000-12,000 years ago.

9 Beringia Since the sea level was lower in the past, there was a narrow strip of land called Beringia connecting North America (through Alaska) and Asia (through Siberia).

10 One Theory: A Land Crossing/Migration

11 Beringia Today Beringia, today, is underwater. It lies under the Bering Strait. The ice melted around 15,000 years ago.

12 What is Migration? Migration is a movement of a large number of people into a new homeland.

13 Immigrate or Emigrate? When I say “Immigrate” run forward
When I say “Emigrate” run backwards

14 Theories of African or Australian Sea Migration
Some believe that the first travelers to America were Africans or Australians who crossed the Atlantic or Pacific Oceans on ancient ships. Or I guess there’s always:  

15 Nomads Nomads are people who move from place to place, looking for food or pasture for their animals Also known as “hunter- -gatherers.”

16 Homework p. 19, Interdisciplinary Activity Assigned: Tuesday, 8/28/18
Due: Wednesday, 8/29/17…TOMORROW

17 Act of Faith O my God, relying on thy infinite goodness
and promises, I hope to obtain pardon of my sins, the help of thy grace, and life everlasting, through the merits of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Redeemer. Amen.

18 Hunter-Gatherers Early societies did not stay in one place for very long, or make use of agriculture. Why would agriculture be something connected to making permanent settlements?

19 Hunter-Gatherers Now watch me hunt (kill it)
Now watch me gather (okay!) Now watch me hunt hunt Now watch me gather (want me do it?) Now watch me gather (can you do it?)

20 Animal Husbandry Branch of agriculture relating to raising livestock for: Food Clothing Milk Eggs

21 Agriculture Oh, look what “cropped up…”
With the start of planting and ever-increasing harvests, communities could store food. This happened around 9,000 years ago in present-day Mexico. E.g. Maize, an early form of corn The ability to store excess food, called a surplus, allowed people to set up stable, fixed communities. The population of various communities started to increase, rather than just remain static or decrease.

22 Maize

23 Carbon Dating A scientific method used to determine the age of an artifact by measuring the amount of radioactive carbon-14 that remains in something once alive (organic matter).

24 “Free Time” The extra food available through farming enabled people to focus on things other than just staying alive. What would they do?

25 Culture Culture most basically refers to a way of life. Those who settled down created new, growing cultures. People able to settle down created new building structures to live in, pottery for storing things, cloth for clothing, and even different kinds of government.

26 Homework p. 19, Chapter 1, Section 1 Assessment

27 Act of Faith O my God, relying on thy infinite goodness
and promises, I hope to obtain pardon of my sins, the help of thy grace, and life everlasting, through the merits of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Redeemer. Amen.

28 Section 1 Assessment 1) Use each of the following terms in a complete sentence that will help explain its meaning: archaeology, artifact, Ice Age, migration, culture. – Examples vary. Demonstrate that you know the definitions. 2) Why did the first people come to the Americas? – The first Americans were nomads searching for food by following animal herds. 3) How did an Ice Age make it possible for Asian hunters to migrate to the Americas? – Water froze, sea levels dropped, and large areas of land such as Beringia were exposed, allowing migration.

29 Section 1 Assessment 4) How do you think the first Americans discovered that they could grow their own plants? – Answers may vary, but you should refer to the first Americans’ observations and experimentation. 5) Re-create the diagram below and explain how early Native Americans depended on their environment and natural resources. – Any three: animals as food source, animal bones for weapons and tools, animal skins for clothing and shelter, stones shaped for tools, rocks shaped as spear points, and animal ribs as supports for shelter 6) Study the map on page 18. In which direction did the travelers migrate across the Bering Strait? – east and southeast

30 Homework Study for Chapter 1, Section 1 Quiz tomorrow

31 Act of Faith O my God, relying on thy infinite goodness
and promises, I hope to obtain pardon of my sins, the help of thy grace, and life everlasting, through the merits of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Redeemer. Amen.

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