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Foundation Degree IT Project

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1 Foundation Degree IT Project
Methodologies (for reference)

2 Information systems We are dealing with computer based information systems that can process data Information systems in an organisation are about providing facts to its members and clients in order to help it operate effectively A computer based information system could be considered a formal system meaning that they provide information on a regular basis and in a controlled manner An informal system can be just as valid, for example corridor discussions, meetings, rumour etc Examples: Payroll Sales Project planning Conferencing system Decision support Transaction processing Richard Hancock 18/11/2018

3 Methodology background
Early computer applications (1960s) were implemented without the use of methodologies Developers were technically trained, but poor communicators User requirements were not established Developer experience and rule of thumb was used User requirements change over time, requiring amendments to systems often resulting in unexpected outcomes Essentially it was merely an attempt to survive the day Costs increased and so a solution to manage this process was required Richard Hancock 18/11/2018

4 Methodologies We are dealing with information systems development methodologies NOT project development methodologies (like PRINCE2) One definition is: “a collection of procedures, techniques, tools and documentation aids which will help the systems developers in their efforts to implement a new information system” – Avison & Fitzgerald (1998) Methodologies are based on a philosophical view As a result of this they all have different emphasis Human emphasis Scientific approach Pragmatic approach Automated approach Richard Hancock 18/11/2018

5 Methodology objectives
These could be: To record accurately the requirements for an information system To provide a systematic method of development so that progress can be effectively monitored To provide an information system within an appropriate time limit and at an acceptable cost To produce a system which is well documented and easy to maintain To provide an indication of any changes which need to be made as early as possible in the development process To provide a system that is liked by those people affected by that system Richard Hancock 18/11/2018

6 The traditional systems development lifecycle (SDLC)
Feasibility study System investigation Systems analysis Systems design Implementation Testing and maintenance Also known as the systems development lifecycle or the waterfall model Richard Hancock 18/11/2018

7 Feasibility study A miniature project in of itself!
Looks at present system, requirements it is supposed to meet, problems in meeting those requirements, new requirements and alternative solutions Essentially it aims to determine if a proposed system is feasible based upon: Legal requirements Organisation and social issues Technical issues Economics A recommended solution is proposed (with outline functional specification) from alternatives and presented to management for approval Richard Hancock 18/11/2018

8 System investigation Thorough investigation of the application area
Functional requirements of existing and new system Constraints Data types and volume Problems with the current system Data gathered using: Observation Interviews Questionnaires Sampling Documentation collection Richard Hancock 18/11/2018

9 System analysis Analyse the current system Ask:
Why do problems exist? Why have certain methods been adopted Are there alternative methods Essentially try to understand all aspects of the current system and determine why it evolved in the way that it did Eventually indicate how things might be improved with a new system Richard Hancock 18/11/2018

10 System design Analysis leads to the design of the new system
Consideration of: Data capture, inputs and outputs Processes User manuals Security System implementation plans and testing *** Richard Hancock 18/11/2018

11 Implementation Can involve various processes and stages
Equipment purchase Software development User training User documentation/manuals Integration into the environment Could be a complete switch Or run in parallel with old system Integration via phases Acceptance testing Richard Hancock 18/11/2018

12 Testing and maintenance
Occurs when system is fully operational Changes are likely to the system and expected Systems review to confirm it meets the requirements originally set out *** Richard Hancock 18/11/2018

13 Summary Information systems methodologies attempt to guide the developer in developing a new information system They are varied in their emphasis, based upon a philosophical point of view The traditional systems development lifecycle is seen as one of the root methodologies from which many more have stemmed *** Richard Hancock 18/11/2018

14 Resources SDLC Software development methodology *** Richard Hancock

15 Questions... ...are there any? Richard Hancock 18/11/2018

16 End! Richard Hancock 18/11/2018

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