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LFS ad hoc module 2009 “Entry of young people into the labour market”

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1 LFS ad hoc module 2009 “Entry of young people into the labour market”
Item 8 of the agenda

2 Preparation of the LFS ahm 2009
Preparatory work for the LFS ahm 2009 was shared in Eurostat between unit F2 (Labour market statistics) and unit F4 (Education statistics). Task Force was established in 2006 and three meetings took place from June 2006 to June 2007 (TF members: representatives from 10 countries, from the DGs: EMPL and EAC, CEDEFOP, ETF, CRELL). Pilot studies granted by Eurostat were conducted in three countries (AT, HU, FI), using a long list of variables. Several consultations were made - with the TF members and LAMAS and ETS WGs. According to the views of the LAMAS WG members received just before the meeting of 13.09: general approval for the ahm, with some comments and suggestions Presentation of the draft regulation during the DSS meeting (19.09) - some general comments on the quality of data coming form the LFS ad hoc modules (problem of proxies, 11 variables but more questions…) Regulation (list of variables) needs to be approved by the SPC during the meeting of 8th November 2007. 24-25/09/2007 Education and Training Statistics Working Group

3 Education and Training Statistics Working Group
Regulation Justification of the political demand for this LFS module: European Employment Guidelines Education and Training 2010 Work Programme European Act for Youth European policy frameworks for Social Inclusion, Equal Opportunities and Antidiscrimination 24-25/09/2007 Education and Training Statistics Working Group

4 The most important issues coming through consultations:
Differences between countries and complexity of several national situations concerning transition from school to work - how to capture this transition? what is the first significant job? Proxy answers – worries about the quality of data to be collected. Limited number of variables allowed (11) to respond to the request of the policy makers. 24-25/09/2007 Education and Training Statistics Working Group

5 Education and Training Statistics Working Group
Table 3 – Proposed codification othe variable HATFIELD from 2009 onwards Draft list of variables (including the last changes) 1. Social background Column Code Description Filter 203 (PARHAT) Highest level of education successfully completed by father or mother Everybody aged 15-34 1 Low: ISCED 0, 1, 2 and 3c short 2 Medium: ISCED 3-4 (without 3c short) 3 High: ISCED 5-6 9 Not applicable (persons aged less than 15 or more than 34) Blank No answer (PARFOR) Country of birth of father and mother For coding, see ISO country classification …. 4 digits (father - 2 first digits, mother - 2 last digit 9999 Not applicable 24-25/09/2007 Education and Training Statistics Working Group

6 Education and Training Statistics Working Group
Table 3 – Proposed codification of the variable HATFIELD from 2009 onwards 2. Formal education 208 (HATVOC) Orientation of the highest level of formal education attained (HATLEVEL) Everybody aged 15-34 and HATLEVEL=21-43 1 General education 2 Vocational education mainly (or solely) school based 3 Combination of school and work place based vocational education 4 Vocational education mainly work place based 5 Vocational education, with no distinction possible between 2, 3 and 4 9 Not applicable Blank No answer 24-25/09/2007 Education and Training Statistics Working Group

7 Education and Training Statistics Working Group
Additional information on the highest educational level attained (HATFIELD) will be asked from 2009 in the core LFS questionnaire at 3-digits level (as proposed in the « Classification of fields of education and training », Eurostat 1999) - but optional. - According to the replies received to the NEAC questionnaire, this information is already available in 12 countries. Countries willing to improve the quality of educational variables (HATFIELD, HATVOC) should mention this intention in the grants applications for the LFS ahm 2009. 24-25/09/2007 Education and Training Statistics Working Group

8 Education and Training Statistics Working Group
Variable STOPDATE – reference point for the variables concerning the 1st job: STOPDATE Month and year of leaving formal education for the last time Everybody aged 15-34 and EDUCSTAT=2 and HATLEVEL#00 Month and year 999999 Not applicable Blank No answer 24-25/09/2007 Education and Training Statistics Working Group

9 Education and Training Statistics Working Group
215 WORKEDUC Work during studies in formal education Everybody aged 15-34 No work or work less than 1 month per year 1 Work (only) as part of educational programme 2 Work while studying but outside educational programmes 3 Work (only) during an interruption of studies 4 Work as combination of 1 and 2 5 Work as combination of 1 and 3 6 Work as combination of 2 and 3 7 Work as combination of 1, 2 and 3 9 Not applicable Blank No answer 24-25/09/2007 Education and Training Statistics Working Group

10 3. First job (of more than 3 months)
JOBSTART Month and year of start of the first job of more than 3 months after leaving formal education for the last time Col ≠ and blank 000000 Never had a job of more than 3 months 000001 Current job is my first job …… Month and year 999999 Not applicable Blank No answer 24-25/09/2007 Education and Training Statistics Working Group

11 Education and Training Statistics Working Group
JOBDUR Duration of the first job of more than 3 months (after leaving formal education for the last time) Col ≠ and and Number of months 999 Not applicable Blank No answer 24-25/09/2007 Education and Training Statistics Working Group

12 Education and Training Statistics Working Group
225 FINDMETH Method which allowed to find the first job of more than 3 months (after leaving formal education for the last time) Col ≠ and (000001) 1 Via educational institution 2 Via PES (Public Employment Services) 3 Via ads in press or on the Internet 4 Submission of direct (spontaneous) job application to employer 5 Via family and friends 6 Job found after previous experience (summer/student job, apprenticeship, traineeship, voluntary job) in the same company 7 Launching private business 8 Other 9 Not applicable Blank No answer 24-25/09/2007 Education and Training Statistics Working Group

13 Education and Training Statistics Working Group
JOBOCC Occupation of the first job of more than 3 months (after leaving formal education for the last time) Col ≠ and and …. ISCO coding 9999 Not applicable Blank No answer 24-25/09/2007 Education and Training Statistics Working Group

14 Education and Training Statistics Working Group
230 JOBCONTR Type of contract of the first job of more than 3 months (after leaving formal education for the last time) Col ≠ and and 1 Self-employed 2 Employee, permanent full-time 3 Employee, permanent part-time 4 Employee, temporary full-time 5 Employee, temporary part-time 6 Family worker 9 Not applicable Blank No answer 24-25/09/2007 Education and Training Statistics Working Group

15 4. Transition between education and the 1st job
231 TRANSACT Main activity after leaving formal education for the last time and before starting the first job of a duration of at least 3 months (Col ≠ and blank) and (first job started more than 3 months after the date in Col or Col =000000) 1 Employed - work in job(s) of short duration (maximum 3 months) 2 Compulsory military or community service 3 Not employed, actively looking for the job Not employed, not looking actively for a job because of: 4 Family responsibilities 5 Participation in non-formal education 6 Voluntary activities 7 Health problems 8 Other reasons 9 Not applicable Blank No answer 24-25/09/2007 Education and Training Statistics Working Group

16 Education and Training Statistics Working Group
Weighting factor for the LFS module 2009 (optional) Everybody aged 15-34 00-99 Columns contain whole numbers Columns contain decimal places   Nationality at birth of parents (optional) Everybody aged 15-34 For coding, see ISO country classification 9999 Not applicable (persons aged less than 15 or 35 or more) Blank No answer 24-25/09/2007 Education and Training Statistics Working Group

17 Some clarifications proposed for the explanatory notes:
Definition of « Leaving formal education » applies for all variables of this ad hoc module. PARHAT: for persons without formal education code 1 should be used (low educational level). JOBSTART and JOBDUR: clarification inserted that job for pay or profit includes family workers. 24-25/09/2007 Education and Training Statistics Working Group

18 Education and Training Statistics Working Group
ETS WG members are asked to: consider the future collaboration with the colleagues from the LFS national teams during the preparation of the national LFS ahm 2009. Shall we agree and clarify in the explanatory notes that formal education means initial (continuous, full-time?) education? - consultation about this precision will be launched the next week 24-25/09/2007 Education and Training Statistics Working Group

19 Thank you very much for your collaboration!
Please contact me for all questions arising during the preparation of the national LFS ahm 2009. 24-25/09/2007 Education and Training Statistics Working Group

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