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Physical & chemical changes

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1 Physical & chemical changes
Objective To know the difference between a chemical and physical change. What names are given to the 4 changes of state? Solid to liquid Liquid to solid Liquid to gas Gas to liquid Melting Freezing Evaporating Condensing

2 Changes of State - Physical changes
Each change of state is given a different name. Gas Boiling Condensing Melting Solid Liquid Freezing

3 Reversible or irreversible?
Can you get back what you started with? (Reversible) Or is it changed forever? (Irreversible) Paired talking I think...because... I agree because... I disagree because... Also... EXTENSION- How do you know if a chemical reaction has happened?

4 Signs of a chemical change
…or colder Bubbles or fizzing gets warmer… flames or sparks Smells (nice or nasty!) Noises (from loud bangs to quiet fizzing)

5 Chemical changes Chemical changes (reactions) are usually irreversible. What do you think this means? Example: Frying an egg


7 Observing – chemical and physical changes
Write down observations and whether you think these are physical/chemical changes and reversible or not: Half a test tube Hydrochloric acid + magnesium strip 1cm Sodium hydroxide + 1cm copper sulfate 1cm Hydrochloric acid + 1 cm sodium hydroxide + Universal indicator Salt + water Melting ice cube

8 Experiment Reversible or irreversible? Physical or chemical change? Ice cube melting Kettle boiling Bunsen burner on Burning toast Dissolving salt in water Boiled egg Magnesium dropped in acid Burning splint Dissolving tablets in water Baked Cake

9 Physical or chemical change?
Use mini whiteboards

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