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Review Review worksheet from Friday Foldable.

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1 Review Review worksheet from Friday Foldable

2 Chemical and Physical Properties/Chemical and Physical Change
Objectives: Identify b/t chemical and physical change Differentiate b/t chemical and physical properties

3 Physical Change Physical change-do not result in production of a new substance. Melting ice---solid water to liquid water Breaking window will still result in glass, just smaller pieces Examples: melting, freezing, condensing, breaking, crushing, cutting and bending

4 Some More About Physical Change
Some can be reversed Refreeze Putting window together

5 Special Physical Changes
Objects change state Water freezing or evaporating Change of State Operations

6 Chemical Properties Can only be observed when the substance is changing to different substance. A.k.a. Chemical reactions Changes that result in production of a new substance

7 Chemical Properties Flammability: ability to burn in presence of oxygen Reactivity: how easily a substance combines with others

8 Chemical Changes Can make new substances Can be detected
Water, flour, yeast and salt Heat in oven--bread Can be detected Change in odor or color Fizzing or foaming Sound, heat, light or odor Cannot be reversed by physical changes Bread baking, milk souring, iron rusting

9 Physical or Chemical Painting Wood Physical Burning Paper Chemical
Digestion of Food Sugar dissolving in water

10 Physical or Chemical Iron turning red when heated Physical Evaporation
A pond freezing Melting ice physical

11 Physical or Chemical Painting fingernails Physical Baking muffins
Decomposition of old leaves Wrinkling a shirt An old nail rusting chemical





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