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China s Contacts with the Outside World You learned about Chinas contacts with the outside world during the rules of three dynasties: the Tang, the Yuan,

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Presentation on theme: "China s Contacts with the Outside World You learned about Chinas contacts with the outside world during the rules of three dynasties: the Tang, the Yuan,"— Presentation transcript:

1 China s Contacts with the Outside World You learned about Chinas contacts with the outside world during the rules of three dynasties: the Tang, the Yuan, and the Ming. With the recorded conversations you heard about the benefits and drawbacks of foreign contact during each dynasty

2 What are some of the strongest arguments in favor of China having foreign contacts? Against China having foreign contacts? What do you think would be the negative effects of China refusing all contacts with foreign countries? What do you think would be the negative effects of China accepting all contacts with foreign countries? During the Tang, Yuan, and Ming Dynasties:

3 Open Door Policy means… Your job for your independent project is to evaluate the benefits and drawbacks of foreign contact during each dynasty s rule. In 200 years will China close its doors to the outside world? State three reasons FOR or AGAINST any policy to close its doors or keep China open to foreign contact. Support your reasons in five complete paragraphs. To allow different ideas into your societys culture: religions, food and luxury items.

4 Welcoming Official Rejecting Official Tang Dynasty (ruled China between 618 - 977 C.E. ) chairs Garlic, peas, spinach Ivory, pearls entertainment Amazing music Too expensive to furnish a house Likes the added flavor Almost agreeing Women should not play polo Why do we new ones? Harmony with other religions. Buddhists run hospitals and schools Problem that Buddhist monks dont pay taxes

5 Welcoming Official Rejecting Official Silk road is safer Refreshing new ideas Improved hospitals from Muslim doctors Merchants are better treated Cant they stay home! Maybe they are taking more ideas then giving ideas to us Paranoia that foreigners dont care about the Chinese people No restrictions for merchants and they dont pay taxes (Mongol) Yuan Dynasty (ruled 1279 - 1368 C.E.)

6 Welcoming Official Rejecting Official Able to build bigger ships Tributaries are committed to China. New trade and travel restrictions Merchants should not travel in luxury They bring cheap gifts when China gives them expensive gifts. Limit access and close Chinas borders Ming Dynasty (ruled 1368- 1644 C.E.)

7 40 point Independent Project for China Due: March 7, 2008


9 Part One (18 points) Understanding After hearing what Welcoming and Rejecting Officials had said about Chinas contact with foreign ideas and goods, make an analysis about what happened socially, politically and economically to China. Use your notes from Chapter 19, video clips and Internet research. Evaluate the benefits and drawbacks of foreign contact during each of the three dynastys rule. Part Two: (22 points) Research China has freely opened its doors to foreign trade and ideas for the past 50+ years. There are many major problems that China is facing with factories operating everywhere and polluting China. Here are some ideas to think about: Agriculture losing to new factories being built Pollution in the air and waters China not being able to feed its people

10 Conclusion: State what you predict will happen to China. Will China close its doors again to outside influences based on these new discoveries? Or will China continue to trade with other countries no matter what the consequences are? Completion: Very neatly handwritten OR one full page of typed, 1.5 spaced, and 12 point font) PLEASE use spell-check too. Completion checklist: 4x3=12 points for identifying the 3 influences FOR or AGAINST foreign contact 16 points Supporting your reasons with complete ideas 12 points Make a prediction based on what you know about Chinas historical past. Explain What do you think about Chinas future?

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