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CW Preparation for Language Exam Sunday, 18 November 2018

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1 CW Preparation for Language Exam Sunday, 18 November 2018
Learning Outcomes To be able to comment on why a writer has structured a text in a particular way

2 Question 3 – Structure – Points to Remember
Make sure you mention these features: Paragraphing The beginning / middle /end Foreshadowing (if applicable) Flashbacks (if applicable) The timeline in the extract (what happens when) If the story is circular / cyclical If the story goes from a narrow focus to a wide focus (or the other way round!) KEY WORDS TO USE Zoom – as in ‘the author zooms in here’ Focus – as in the focus of the author is’ OR ‘there is a shift in focus when’

3 Question 3 – Key Points to Remember
Structure your answer in the following way: Write 4 paragraphs Start these with the following words The extract begins with… Next, the extract develops by… Then, it ….. Finally, we are left with …… AND – read the box with the question in it – the examiner wants you to explain how the structure helps to tell the story!

4 Different Stages of the Extract
Effect on the Reader The extract begins with… Narrow focus on Kingshaw’s physical feelings in the cornfield. At first the crow seems insignificant. Next, the extract develops by… Zooming in on the crow: what it looks like and how it flies. Then, it ….. Focuses on Kingshaw’s reaction to the crow – he is scared. Finally, we are left with …… A Wider focus on the boy’s movement through the cornfield.

5 MORE ABLE: Some ideas to think about…
Starts with narrow focus – his physical feelings within setting of cornfield Focus shifts to the crow but “he took no notice” – not a tense moment But the focus on the bird becomes more intense, describing how it looks and how it flies By zooming our focus in on its mouth, the reader is made to feel that the bird is menacing This is then developed by drawing the reader’s attention to the sound it makes The writer uses a complex sentence to describe Kingshaw running away in fear – the many commas help to emphasise his panic and speed. Finally, we are left with our focus back on the cornfield, where the extract started, as the writer reminds the reader how difficult it is to move through. This adds tension for the reader. This is emphasised through the use of two short sentences “The crow kept on coming. He ran.” Which leave the reader in suspense.

6 Extract from “The Man with the Yellow Face”
Question 3 - practice Extract from “The Man with the Yellow Face” The extract begins with… Next, the extract develops by… Then, it ….. Finally, we are left with ……

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