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Paper 1 Section B – the write an account question

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1 Paper 1 Section B – the write an account question
Write an account of how the shooting down of a U2 spy plane in 1960 became an international crisis (8 marks) Level 1 Basic Identifying statements (excess knowledge) Level 2 Simple Answer is presented in a structured account that demonstrates specific knowledge Level 3 developed A Developed analysis/explanation of causation/consequence Answer is presented in a structured and well-ordered narrative/account that demonstrates a range of accurate knowledge Level 4 Complex Two developed analytical reasons When a US spy plane was shot down by the Soviets, the pilot Gary Powers was arrested. When the US claimed that it was a weather plane which got lost, powers was paraded on TV and Khrushchev called their bluff, accusing the Americans of spying. The US were humiliated not only for being caught spying but also for trying to cover it up. The USSR’s demand for an apology was refused. This was a crisis because Khrushchev was so angry he refused to attend the Paris peace summit – so hoped for talks about the arms race and a test ban did not happen so the dangers of a nuclear stand off between east and west continued.

2 How do we achieve a Level 2? – Developing a narrative
Write an account of how events in Bosnia in 1908 became an international crisis (8 marks) Start (Why did the event happen?) Middle (What happened?) End (How did it end?) In 1908 there was a Revolution in Turkey, Austria-Hungary took advantage of the situation and annexed Bosnia Austria-Hungary’s actions upset Serbia so much that it led to Serbia appealing to Russia for help and with Russian involvement in the issue, Germany got involved too. Serbia wanted to unite all Slav states under a Greater Serbia. Austria-Hungary were worried what would happen to their empire if Serbia were successful.

3 Why did this become an international crisis?
Write an account of how events in Bosnia in 1908 became an international crisis (8 marks) The Balkans was a key crisis zone in the lead up to World War One. It consisted of many small countries that were in the process of becoming independent from the Turkish Empire. Most of this area was occupied by Slavs. Serbia was the leading Slav state in the Balkans and aimed to unite all the other states under a Greater Serbia. Bosnia was one such country that Serbia wanted to take over. Austria-Hungary were also concerned about the Balkans; they had an empire made up of several different races of people. One of these were the Slavs and Austria-Hungary were worried that they would want to unite with other Slavs in the Balkans under Serbia, especially if Serbia took control of Bosnia. Therefore, when there was a revolution in Turkey in 1908, Austria-Hungary took advantage of the situation and annexed Bosnia. Austria-Hungary’s actions upset Serbia so much that it led to Serbia appealing to Russia for help and with Russian involvement in the issue, Germany got involved too. Why did this become an international crisis?

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