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Sri. Eatala Rajender garu

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Presentation on theme: "Sri. Eatala Rajender garu"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sri. Eatala Rajender garu
Welcome to Hon’ble Minister for Finance Sri. Eatala Rajender garu

2 Treasury Functions Pre-audit of Financial Transactions
Receives and Disburses State Government Funds Pre-audit of Financial Transactions Disburses Pensions to Pensioners every month Processing of Salaries to Employees every month Maintenance of PD Accounts Nodal Officer for CPS Subscribers Maintenance of Class IV GPF Subscriber Accounts Facilitating payment viz : Scholarships, Kalyan Laxmi, Shaadi Mubarak etc. Rendering classified Monthly Accounts to the AG

3 Achievements Introduction of online payment of Salaries, Pensions, Scheme Funds through IMPACT Introduction of HRMS Package for cadre control Implementation online Budget Authorizations and Budget Control Online Reconciliation of Receipts and Expenditures for DDOs Online drawls and Monitoring of PD Accounts Centralized uploading of Contribution relating to CPS Interface provided to facilitate uploads in respect of foreign employees and contributions periodically uploaded SAB Registration brought under the fold of CPS

4 Department Functionaries
District Treasuries Sub Treasuries Pension Payment Offices Accounts Branches

5 Stakeholders Heads of Departments (Chief Controlling Officers)
District Officers (Controlling Officers) Drawing and Disbursing Officers Departments and Courts (Safe Custody Articles) PD Administrators Income Tax Department

6 Stakeholders Public (Challan Remitters) – (Cyber Treasury)
Employees & Pensioners Accountant General Reserve Bank of India State Bank of India and other Scheduled Banks Students (Scholarships) All Scheme related Expenditure / Beneficiaries

7 Treasury Fund Flow Treasury Quarterly Regulations DDO Reconciliation
Government BRO Administrative Sanction / Technical Sanction Budget Appropriation HOD proposals from Departments / Budget Distribution Treasury Quarterly Regulations DTA Authorization DDO Bill Submission AUDIT (IMPACT) DDO Reconciliation Beneficiaries

8 I M P A C T – Processing of Bills / Payments
Generating Trans ID 1.Employee related all claims 2.Contingent Bills 3.AC / DC Bills 4.Pensions 5.PD Cheques Audit 1st Level Report sent to AG Audit 2nd Level Consolidation of Monthly Accounts Sent to Bank for payment for crediting Bill Returned to DDO if found Omissions / Rectifications Generation of Bank List Scroll Rounding

9 Audit of Claims of Govt Grants
Employee related all claims Contingent Bills AC / DC Bills Pensions PD Cheques

10 I M P A C T – Cyber Receipts
Challan Generation I M P A C T – Cyber Receipts Cyber Receipts / e-challan Report sent to AG Generation of Challan No at Treasury Level Consolidation of Monthly Accounts Challan sent to Bank for Remittance After scroll rounding of Receipts and Payments Day Book is closed Details of the challan will be sent to Treasury through Scroll Acceptance of remitted Challan by Treasury

11 Payments now being done through e-Kuber
Payment of Pension Obtaining Pensioner Life Certificate Annually Receiving PPO and details Entry at DTO level Payments now being done through e-Kuber Family Details + Gratuity + Commutation of Pension Payment of Pensionery Benefits through Banks Verification of Pensioner in comparison to data Confirmation of PPO details at STO level

12 Class IV GPF Fund Manager
Class IV GPF Module is maintained at District Treasury only Generation of Class IV Slips Employees working in Foreign Services details are remitted through challan Monthly Receipts and Payments check list is generated and validated with reference to schedules and vouchers Consolidation of Annual data

13 National Pension System - Uploads
Treasuries & Accounts Department (Nodal Officer) Registration of Treasuries, DDOs & Employees (PRAN Nos), Uploading & processing of Exit Claims Chal lan Receipts Receipts through HRMS Package Regular State Government Employees Regular Government Employees working in Foreign Service Employees working in State Autonomous Bodies Adding Government Matching Contributions Adding Matching Contributions from Foreign Service org self Uploading the Text File to the NSDL by DTA Uploading the Text File to the NSDL by SABs themselves Uploading the Text File to the NSDL by DTA SABs Current Account NSDL DTA Current Account DTA Current Account Trustee Bank

14 Treasuries – Role Model
Action Taken Report The Treasuries and Accounts Department should be like a role model for other departments 1. Online software streamlined 2. All payments are made electronic/online 3. Online Budget Authorisations 4. Deposits through PD Portal

15 Administration Action Taken Report 1. Prompt in DPC and Promotions
2. Grievance redressal: Issues recommended by Hon’ble FM : 16 Action taken : 16 3. Disciplinary cases: a) Vigilance cell at DTA b) Inspection of DTOs /STOs

16 Action Taken Report Infrastructure 1. (10) New servers procured and
installed 2. Separate server for each package 3. Upgration of network from existing 250 kbps to 2 mbps in all STOs and DTOs 4. Strengthening of software cell by new software professional from CGG.

17 Budget Drawals Action Taken Report
Special focus should be drawn upon the over and above budget withdrawal of funds. 1. Except uncontrolled items, no such cases possible 2. Online automatic reconciliation by DDOs every month. 3. CCO level reconciliation certificate before release of 3rd and 4th quarter Budget. 4. Maintenance of electronic BCRs in the software.

18 Jeevan Praman – Life Certificate
Action Taken Report 1. Linkage with NIC established 2. Special MIS reports generated and made available to the public in the Website 3. Proposal for making Jeevan Praman Patra mandatory was sent to GoTS (w.e.f. Next year) 4. Mee-Seva tie up-Life Certificate in Mee-Seva kendra throughout the State @ Rs. 28/- 5. Integration of Mee-Seva server to DTA, TS Server Action should be initiated for linkage of Jeevan Praman for pensioner in place of Life Certificate and for integration of death registrations

19 Action Taken Report TDS - Payments
TDS payment to be streamlined 1. Training with Income Tax officials 2. Form-16 online 3. Software for income tax deductions. 4. Total amount deducted- Rs Crores so far

20 CPS - Streamlining Action Taken Report
1. The backlog of (9) months upload pendency cleared. 2. The total amount uploaded for this year – Rs. 457 Cr. 3. Pendency cleared – Rs Cr. 4. No. of PRANs mapped 5. Demo of one subscriber –

21 Double Drawal of Pensions
Action Taken Report Double drawal of pensions 1. Special teams are formulated to verify payments with respect to PPOs 2. The lost PPO cases referred to AG for verification. 3. Total amount recovered – Rs Cr. Out of Rs Cr. 4. New initiatives/validations developed Transfer cases-Electronic LPC introduced Aadhar linkage – Cross verification with employee Aadhar numbers Edit options – restricted to DDs

22 Action Taken Report Class IV GPF
1. The balances of each individual has been electronically posted/updated up to September, Issues after 10/2016 completed/resolved. 3. Online generation of Annual Slips Total amount posted Rs Cr. Rs Cr. Total payment allowed Rs Cr. Rs Cr.

23 Action Taken Report Audit Paras
Out of 924 paras, 321 paras are dropped by AG, AP & TS, Hyderabad in the DLAC Meetings

24 Submission of Monthly Accounts
Online Scroll rounding for Receipts and Payments to submit the Accounts within the prescribed time Fixing the date of submission to AG - based on the distance and the remoteness of the Districts All Monthly Accounts furnished to AG up to December 2017- By 18th of subsequent month. Periodical reviews to speed up the submission of the Monthly Accounts

25 Infrastructure Requirement
SL No Category Amount required Amount provided in BE Balance to be provided 1 Buildings 15.35 1.83 13.52 2 Furniture 3.44 0.87 8.86 3 Hardware 1.42 4 Maintenance 4.87 TOTAL 25.08 2.70 22.38 (in Crores)

26 Infrastructure Buildings
All DTO Buildings are age old and in Dilapidated condition. A policy decision has to be taken to convert all the Treasury Offices into e-payment office / Modular Office like: in Tamilnadu Proposals have already been submitted to the Government for renovating the Treasury Offices as Modular Offices at a Cost Estimate of Rs Crores. New DTA Office to be constructed near Phulbagh in the site allotted by the GHMC

27 Staff – Strength - Status
Branch Total Cadre Strength Working Strength Vacant Remarks Branch –I (DTA & Accounts Branches in HOD’s) 459 321 138 Branch- II (31 District Treasuries and STOs) 1668 1121 547 Branch – III (Pension Payment Office) 221 128 93 Branch – IV (Compilation Br) 45 10 35 Proposal Submitted to Govt for merging with Branch II TOTAL 2393 1580 813

28 Proposed Staff Recruitment
Through TSPSC Proposed Staff Recruitment Branch details Senior Accountant posts to be filled up Junior Accountant Posts to be filled up Total Br.II, III & IV 114 91 205 Branch I 68 38 106 TOTAL 182 129 311

29 Status of Misappropriation Cases After 02.06.2014 (Telangana State)
(Before ) After (Telangana State) District No.of cases No of Persons Involved Amount Involved Amount Recovered No.of Persons Involved Amount recovered (in Crores) Adilabad 5 2.02 0.91   0 Karimnagar 3 8 0.04 0.01  2 5.25 4.95 Warangal 6 36 1.83 1 0.47 0.26  Khammam 22 7.23 0**  9 1.21 Nalgonda 0.26 0.10 14 4.45 *1.64 Suryapet 2.26 Nizamabad 4 19 0.55  0.41 0.05 Medak 16 0.08  0.01 Mahabubnagar 12 0.36 0.18  PPO 45 0.21 Total 34 185 **12.59 1.63  29 **13.69  9.11

30 Status of Misappropriation Cases
Most of the cases relate to CINB operational issues Introduction of validations both in IMPACT and Bank Packages Special drive of Inspection for Reconciling the Balances in CINB Account Introduction of e-kuber system / GINB in place of CINB account End of Session


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