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Methamphetamine Labs and Chemical Emergency Response

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1 Methamphetamine Labs and Chemical Emergency Response
Anchorage Fire Department Battalion Chief Wade Strahan This presentation “Hidden Hazards” is about the Fire Department’s role and response to Methamphetamine Labs.

2 Dangerous to the Public and Firefighters
According to the Center for Disease Control and prevention 79 emergency responders were injured in 14 states between 1996 and 1999. Responding to emergencies at meth labs can take firefighters by surprise. What should be a standard call for us turns into a possible exposure to hazardous chemicals and “bad guys with guns”

3 AFD Meth Finds Fire Medical Emergency “Funny smells” Auto accidents
Dumped waste In any emergency situation r firefighters face many hazards. Meth labs are especially hazardous for many reasons. One of the greatest hazards is that firefighters may not be aware of a meth lab when initially responding to an incident. Meth labs are illegal and covert operations that involve criminal activity and present unpredictable hazards and situations. Firefighters and other responders are likely to face dangerous people at a meth lab incident. All meth labs are hazardous materials incidents. Because of the chemicals involved in the manufacturing of methamphetamines, firefighters run the risk of exposure to toxic chemicals. Meth labs have become a growing problem for firefighters throughout the United States.

4 Lab Locations Mini-storage Motel rooms Trailers Motor Homes Cars
Trucks Meth labs can be set-up anywhere. Meth lab operations can range from crude makeshift labs to more elaborate operations, some of which can be packaged to be mobile. Meth manufacturing labs have been found in Mini-storage units, motel rooms, trailers, motor homes, car trunks and trucks. Mini-storage units can have a large quantity of chemicals. Motel rooms are usually not five-star hotels. Mobile homes and travel trailers make for convenient mobile labs. Cars and trucks are often used to transport the chemicals used to manufacture meth. If an accident occurs during transport, the chemicals could spill, resulting in a possible chemical reaction All of these locations are left contaminated with hazardous chemicals waiting to expose other people.

5 Primary Fire Department Emergency Functions
Life Safety & Rescue Mitigate Emergency Conditions Fire Medical Chemical Support Law Enforcement

6 Lab Site Hazards Risks to Firefighters and Responders
Explosions Booby Traps Criminal Activities Chemical Exposures Low budget lab operators usually substitute normal laboratory equipment with common house ware equipment and other items that are unsafe. Fire and explosions can occur as a result. A fire or explosion during a meth lab “cook” would get a Fire Department response. Booby traps are not uncommon in laboratories and unsuspecting responders could be injured during firefighting operations. Common booby traps include: animal traps, nails protruding from boards, holes in floors covered with rugs and light bulbs filled with gasoline. The effects of meth abuse include psychotic behavior and brain damage. Individuals who use or cook meth may have episodes of violent behavior. Guns and other weapons are commonly associated with meth labs, all of which pose a serious danger to responders. All incidents at meth labs contain hazardous chemicals with a wide variety of effects. Some of the hazardous chemicals have immediate effects; others can cause delayed or chronic problems during an exposure.

7 AFD Chemical ID Equipment
Chemical ID is a basic hazmat team competency Most newer equipment acquired through domestic preparedness grants for terrorism response.

8 Hazcat Kit 10 –45 Minute Process

9 Hazmat ID Infrared Spectroscopy
2-3 Minute Process

10 Hazmat ID

11 Ramam Technology Laser Spectroscopy 2-3 Minute Process Point and Shoot

12 Common Chemicals Flammable Liquids Acids Strong Bases
Pressurized Gasses Meth labs can be categorized by the manufacturing process used. Two popular methods of manufacturing meth. One method known as the red phosphorus method or “red P” utilizes commercially available chemicals. The “Nazi dope” method is another common way to make meth; however it is not as common in AK due to the lack of available anhydrous ammonia. Materials used in production have multiple hazards. They are flammable, explosive, poisonous, and corrosive. Red phosphorous may ignite if exposed to shock, friction or heating.

13 Fire Department Response to Known Lab
Support Law Enforcement Decontamination Emergency Medical Assistance Fire and Explosion Protection Hazmat Team Assistance The Fire Department's Response to meth labs is to support law enforcement operations. However, law enforcement may call upon the fire department to support their operations during a meth lab raid, clean-up or for advice on hazardous materials. The role of the Fire Department in most cases should be limited to decontamination of response personnel, providing emergency medical assistance, back-up fire and explosion protection and hazardous materials assistance.

14 Decon Shelter Systems

15 Conclusion Firefighters may not be aware of a meth lab operation when responding to an incident Meth labs can be equipped with “security devices” containing explosives Firefighters can encounter dangerous criminals A meth lab is always a hazardous materials incident The Anchorage Fire Department encounters these labs unknowingly during fire and emergency medical responses. Firefighters could be exposed before we are even aware of what we are dealing with.

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