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EL117 Unit 1: Session (3) Prepared By: Dr. Marine Milad

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1 EL117 Unit 1: Session (3) Prepared By: Dr. Marine Milad

2 Outline of Unit (1) Part 1: Stimulating Ideas
Part 2: Developing the Five-Paragraph Essay Part 3: Unity & Coherence Part 4: Editing Your Writing Part 5: Putting It All Together 18/11/2018 Marine Milad

3 Introduction

4 Part 2: Developing the Five-Paragraph Essay
Rhetorical Focus: Review of Five-Paragraph Essay Structure.(Introduction) The introduction should grab the reader's attention, set up the issue, and lead into your thesis. In the first paragraph (INTRODUCTION) you either hook the reader's interest or lose it. 18/11/2018 Marine Milad

5 Part 2: Developing the Five-Paragraph Essay
Rhetorical Focus: Review of Five-Paragraph Essay Structure.(Introduction) An introduction to a five-paragraph essay must have: a hook, background information, and a thesis statement. 18/11/2018 Marine Milad

6 Developing an Introduction
A hook: Example: We all dream about our wedding celebration, but when it happens, we do not know what to expect. 11/18/2018 Marine Milad

7 Developing an Introduction
Background information: Example: I met my husband on a student trip to Honduras. After four years of letter writing and visits, we finally announced our engagement and planned for the event. 11/18/2018 Marine Milad

8 Developing an Introduction
A thesis statement: Example: My wedding day was the most thrilling day of my life. 11/18/2018 Marine Milad

9 Developing an Introduction
Exercise 1: Examining an introduction Read this introduction to an essay page 8 then answer the questions below. Compare your answers with a partner. Circle and label the hook. Underline the background information. Underline the thesis statement. Write the topic of the thesis statement. Write the controlling idea of the thesis statement. 11/18/2018 Marine Milad

10 Developing an Introduction
Exercise 1: Examining an introduction 1. Circle and label the hook. Answer Key: 18/11/2018 Marine Milad

11 Developing an Introduction
Exercise 1: Examining an introduction 2. Underline the background information. Answer Key: 18/11/2018 Marine Milad

12 Developing an Introduction
Exercise 1: Examining an introduction 3. Underline the thesis statement. Answer Key: 18/11/2018 Marine Milad

13 Developing an Introduction
Exercise 1: Examining an introduction 4. Write the topic of the thesis statement. Answer Key: 18/11/2018 Marine Milad

14 Developing an Introduction
Exercise 1: Examining an introduction 5. Write the controlling idea of the thesis statement. Answer Key: 18/11/2018 Marine Milad

15 Thesis

16 Developing an Effective Thesis
The thesis acts as the main claim of your essay. It expresses in one concise sentence the point and purpose of your essay. It typically appears near the end of the introduction. Avoid lists Be specific Make it arguable Deliver insight 18/11/2018 Marine Milad

17 Developing an Effective Thesis Avoid Lists
Example of a list: "The microchip bill biologically damages the health of children, invades the privacy of independent teenagers, increases crime, turns children against their parents, induces a sense of robot-like behaviour, and finally, may result in the possible takeover of the government." Narrower focus: "By surgically inserting circuitry similar to cell phone devices that has been known to cause headaches and fatigue, the microchip biologically endangers the health of children." Long lists result in shallow essays because you don't have space to fully explore an idea. The first thesis has a long list. In a 1,000 word essay, each of these topics will only be explored superficially. The second thesis has a narrowed focus on just one point -- health hazards -- instead of the six to explore this assertion in depth. (Academic writing almost always prefers depth over breadth.) 18/11/2018 Marine Milad

18 Developing an Effective Thesis Be Specific
General: "We should not pass the microchip bill." Specific: "Because the microchip insert causes serious health hazards such as cancer and brain tumors to those who use it, the microchip should not be passed." The thesis must also be specific. Avoid broad, vague generalizations. Your thesis should include detail and specificity, offering the reader the why behind your reasoning. The first thesis is not specific enough! It's just a value statement and doesn't provide enough reasoning for the reader. The second thesis is much more specific, and the reader gets a clear idea of what the essay is going to be about. 18/11/2018 Marine Milad

19 Developing an Effective Thesis Make it Arguable
Not Arguable: "Computers are becoming an efficient mechanism for managing and transmitting information in large businesses." Arguable: "Heavy use of computers may disrupt family cohesion and increase divorce in society." Your thesis must make an arguable assertion. To test whether your assertion is arguable, ask yourself whether it would be possible to argue the opposite. If not, then it's not a thesis -- it's more of a fact. The first thesis is not arguable (Who's going to dispute this? It's not an arguable assertion -- it's a fact.) The second thesis is arguable (Many people may not believe it. It would make a good thesis!) 18/11/2018 Marine Milad

20 Developing an Effective Thesis Deliver Insight
Although it appears that computers may help students learn to write, actually they can become a detriment to the generation of what creative writers call "flow“. Although some philosophers profess to lead more pure, thoughtful lives, actually philosophers are no different than other publication-hungry academics. The "although actually" format is one of the most effective ways of finding something original and controversial to say. (Note: "actually" isn't always necessary. It is often implied with the clause "although.") 18/11/2018 Marine Milad

21 Body Paragraphs

22 Part 2: Developing the Five-Paragraph Essay
Rhetorical Focus: Review of Five-Paragraph Essay Structure. (Body Paragraphs) The three paragraphs of a five-paragraph essay contain the supporting details of the essay as follows: a topic sentence, supporting sentences, and a concluding sentence 11/18/2018 Marine Milad

23 Developing Body Paragraphs
Exercise 2: Examining body paragraphs Examine the body paragraphs of the five-paragraph essay on pages 5-6. Then answer the questions below page 10. Compare your answers with a partner. Body Paragraph 1, 2 & 3 Underline the topic sentence. Then write the topic in your own words. What supporting details are provided? How do they support the topic sentence? The concluding sentence: Brings the idea of the paragraph to a close. Suggests the content of the next paragraph. 11/18/2018 Marine Milad

24 Developing Body Paragraphs
Exercise 2: Examining body paragraph (1) Topic sentence of body paragraph (1). Answer Key: 11/18/2018 Marine Milad

25 Developing Body Paragraphs
Exercise 2: Examining body paragraph (2) Topic sentence of body paragraph (2). Answer Key: 11/18/2018 Marine Milad

26 Developing Body Paragraphs
Exercise 2: Examining body paragraph (3) Topic sentence of body paragraph (1). Answer Key: 11/18/2018 Marine Milad

27 Developing Body Paragraphs
Exercise 2: Examining body paragraph (1) 3. Answer Key: The concluding sentence: brings the idea of the paragraph to a close. suggests the content of the next paragraph. (√) 11/18/2018 Marine Milad

28 Developing Body Paragraphs
Exercise 2: Examining body paragraph (2) 3. Answer Key: The concluding sentence: brings the idea of the paragraph to close. (√) suggests the content of the next paragraph. 11/18/2018 Marine Milad

29 Developing Body Paragraphs
Exercise 2: Examining body paragraph (3) 3. Answer Key: The concluding sentence: brings the idea of the paragraph to close. (√) suggests the content of the next paragraph. 11/18/2018 Marine Milad

30 Topic Sentence

31 Developing an Effective Topic Sentence
A good topic sentence is: Short Simple Clear Give one strong idea 18/11/2018 Marine Milad

32 Developing an Effective Topic Sentence
Read the following paragraph and write a suitable topic sentence. ______________________________________________Although student surveys always show students like to have access to materials online, the take up of purely online courses is low. When questioned, students find that studying online can be a lonely and unsatisfying experience. Not only do students miss the human interaction with other students, they also don’t like having to wait for answers to work that they have done. 18/11/2018 Marine Milad

33 Developing an Effective Topic Sentence
Suggested answer: Online learning has its problems. Although student surveys always show students like to have access to materials online, the take up of purely online courses is low. When questioned, students find that studying online can be a lonely and unsatisfying experience. Not only do students miss the human interaction with other students, they also don’t like having to wait for answers to work that they have done. 18/11/2018 Marine Milad

34 Developing an Effective Topic Sentence
Read the following paragraph and write a suitable topic sentence. ______________________________________________________________________ Although the main reason to go to university is to study, many people go into careers and professions unrelated to their degree programme and soon forget the things they learned. However, the relationships that students make will often last a lifetime and friendships made at university can provide useful contacts in professional life. 18/11/2018 Marine Milad

35 Developing an Effective Topic Sentence
Suggested answer: The biggest benefit of going to university is not what you learn, but the people you meet there. Although the main reason to go to university is to study, many people go into careers and professions unrelated to their degree programme and soon forget the things they learned. However, the relationships that students make will often last a lifetime and friendships made at university can provide useful contacts in professional life. 18/11/2018 Marine Milad

36 Developing an Effective Topic Sentence
Read the following paragraph and write a suitable topic sentence. _____________________________________________________________________________ Much research has been done into how people learn languages and what type of people learn languages most successfully. It has been shown that people who are confident, who don’t worry about making mistakes and who take risks are the most successful ones. These type of people actually do better in language learning research projects than people who have the highest average marks in class. 18/11/2018 Marine Milad

37 Developing an Effective Topic Sentence
Suggested answer One of the most important qualities for successful language learning is being confident. Much research has been done into how people learn languages and what type of people learn languages most successfully. It has been shown that people who are confident, who don’t worry about making mistakes and who take risks are the most successful ones. These type of people actually do better in language learning research projects than people who have the highest average marks in class. 18/11/2018 Marine Milad

38 Conclusion

39 Part 2: Developing the Five-Paragraph Essay
Rhetorical Focus: Review of Five-Paragraph Essay Structure. (The Conclusion) The five-paragraph essay ends with a two to four sentences conclusion that brings the essay to a close through: Restating the thesis statement. Giving advice or a warning. Making a prediction or asking a question. Providing new insights and discoveries that the writer has gained through writing the essay. 18/11/2018 Marine Milad

40 Developing a Conclusion
A good conclusion: Recaps your main idea Leaves a memorable impression through: giving a thought-provoking quotation describing a powerful image talking about consequences or implications stating what action needs to be done ending on an interesting twist of thought explaining why the topic is important 18/11/2018 Marine Milad

41 Developing a Conclusion
Exercise 3: Examining a conclusion Reread the conclusion of “Becoming an Academic Writer.” Then answer the question below. How many sentences appear in the conclusion? Underline the sentence in the conclusion that restates the thesis in the introduction. The conclusion ends with Some advice. A prediction. A warning. An insight. 11/18/2018 Marine Milad

42 Developing a Conclusion
Exercise 3: Examining a conclusion Answer Key: 11/18/2018 Marine Milad

43 “The main part of intellectual education is not the acquisition of facts, but learning how to make facts live.” Oliver Wendell Holmes

44 Thank You

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