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Here’s our agenda for today!

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Presentation on theme: "Here’s our agenda for today!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Here’s our agenda for today!
Welcome! While you’re waiting, check your audio. Welcome Welcome! Welcome guest speaker, Maggie Rossiter Orientation of Class to Collaborate by Carolyn Campbell. Discussion of Assignment 5 Questions about course/exam. Here’s our agenda for today!

2 Welcome, everyone! Welcome everyone! Smile!
Practice using the microphone Welcome, everyone!

3 Welcome, Maggie! Welcome Maggie! Applause!
Practice using the microphone Welcome, Maggie!

4 Welcome to Collaborate!
Ready to get started? Smile! Practice using the microphone Welcome to Collaborate!

5 Have you used Collaborate before?
Respond to the poll Have you ever used Collaborate before? YES NO Practice giving feedback with the polls Check your polling options to make sure it’s a YES/NO poll

6 Pick a seat Pick a seat Click the to type your name on the whiteboard.
Seats 16

7 Do you have a headset? Do you have a headset? Click the smiley!
Practice using the microphone Do you have a headset?

8 What else can you hear? What do you hear?
Practice using the chat Be sure the chat permissions are on This is a great activity to help you get a sense of your learners’ “classroom” Do they have children? Is their space noisy? What are the distractions? Any pets in the room? Tell us in the chat window. Type and click “Enter” on your keyboard.

9 Make space for learning
Click the door if you need to step away Make space for learning

10 If you have a microphone, say “hi”
Click the “Talk” button. Practice using the microphone Make sure the microphone permissions are on This activity can take a bit of patience! Remind people that they have to turn their mics off If someone turns their mic on but doesn’t speak, feel free to click it off and ask them to try again at the end of the session If you have a microphone, say “hi” (Don’t forget to turn your mic off when you’re done!)

11 Now you know the basics Now you know the basics! Check your audio Talk
Type or draw on the whiteboard Give feedback These 5 basic things are all you need to know to get started! Chat What are your questions? Share them in the chat.

12 Ready? Do you have a headset? Click the smiley!
Practice using the microphone

13 Case study #1 Case study #1
A 75-year-old woman has been admitted to a surgical unit following a right total hip replacement. She lives alone and fell while hanging curtains in her bedroom. Her post-operative orders include a PCA pump to deliver morphine 1 mg every 10 minutes. She is currently alert and tells the nurse, “I am in so much pain, I’d rather be dead.” Vital signs are as follows: oral temperature 37.5 C, pulse 102, Respirations 20 and BP 142/92. (20 points). Nice to add at the end of a session Any questions? Share them in the chat.

14 What non-verbal cues would you look for?
Click the to type on the whiteboard. Click the arrow to select & drag items. What non-verbal cues would you look for when assessing the client for pain? (5 points) Whiteboard activity

15 What are some indications for using a PCS pump?
Click the to type on the whiteboard. Click the arrow to select & drag items. What are some indications for using a PCA pump for analgesia? (3 points) Whiteboard activity

16 What are the nursing priorities?
Click the to type on the whiteboard. Click the arrow to select & drag items. What are the nursing priorities for a client using a PCA pump? (4 points) Whiteboard activity

17 What are some non-opioid medications?
Click the to type on the whiteboard. Click the arrow to select & drag items. What are some non-opioid medications that could be used to mange pain in addition to the PCA pump? (2 points) Whiteboard activity

18 Additional comfort measures?
Click the to type on the whiteboard. Click the arrow to select & drag items. What additional comfort measures could be used for this client? (5 points) Whiteboard activity

19 One nursing diagnosis Click the to type on the whiteboard. Click the arrow to select & drag items. State one nursing diagnosis related to pain that would be suitable for this client. (1 point) Whiteboard activity

20 Case study #2 Case study #2
Miss Murphy is a 32-year-old admitted to your unit following an appendectomy at 0800 h this morning. When you enter her 1400 h she is sitting up in bed smiling and visiting with her family. She tells you she is hurting and asks for a pain shot. You check her medication record and find orders for morphine 10 mg IM q4h as needed (PRN) for pain. (18 points) Nice to add at the end of a session Any questions? Share them in the chat.

21 List 7 areas you will assess
Click the to type on the whiteboard. Click the arrow to select & drag items. List at least seven areas you will assess related to her pain. (7 points) Whiteboard activity

22 What classification of drugs?
Click the to type on the whiteboard. Click the arrow to select & drag items. What classification of drugs does morphine belong to? (1 point) Whiteboard activity

23 What’s the most effective medication schedule?
Click the to type on the whiteboard. Click the arrow to select & drag items. Based on good principles of pain control, what is the most effective medication schedule you can implement today for this client? (2 points) Whiteboard activity

24 What side effects will you watch for?
Click the to type on the whiteboard. Click the arrow to select & drag items. What side-effects will you watch for? (4 points) Whiteboard activity

25 How do you know if the medication has been effective?
Click the to type on the whiteboard. Click the arrow to select & drag items. How will you know if the medication has been effective? (2 points) Whiteboard activity

26 What non-drug therapies would be effective?
Click the to type on the whiteboard. Click the arrow to select & drag items. What non-drug therapies might be appropriate for Miss Murphy? What technique has already been effective for her? (2 points) Whiteboard activity

27 Questions about the course? the exam?
Nice to add at the end of a session Use the chat. Type on the whiteboard or use your mic.

28 Thanks! Thanks! Close this window to exit Collaborate
Leave on the screen as folks exit

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