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Trip: Museum of Liverpool Don’t Rub it in, Rub it Out!

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Presentation on theme: "Trip: Museum of Liverpool Don’t Rub it in, Rub it Out!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Trip: Museum of Liverpool Don’t Rub it in, Rub it Out!
Art Study the techniques of artists Bruegel and Lowry Make observational drawings of toys from the past and present Create a painting using current toys Print using lego and toys cars Computing We are Treasure Hunters: programming a moving toy We are Celebrating: creating a digital card showing a toy from the future Physical Education Sending and Receiving: master throwing and catching movements Creating Games: develop simple tactics for attacking and defending Science Everyday Materials: Identify a range of everyday materials Sort materials Explore about the properties and features of materials Investigate how materials are made A Toy’s Story Key Text: Toys in Space Design Technology Study the design, features and materials of toys from the past and present Design, create and evaluate a moving toy Maths Measure toys Add and subtract toys Move and turn toys Trip: Museum of Liverpool Religious Education Creation How did Adam & Eve spoil creation in Genesis? Music Charanga: Round and Round Reflect, Rewind, Replay Listen with concentration and understanding to a range of music Play tuned and untuned instruments Learn playground songs and chants from the past Use voices expressively and creatively Literacy Recounts Stories about Fantasy Worlds Information Texts Focus Texts: Toys in Space Toy Story Traction Man Peepo HeartSmart Don’t Rub it in, Rub it Out! Forgiveness – forgiveness is the best gift we can give ourselves and to others. History Compare the lives and works of artists Bruegel and Lowry Research toys from the past and compare with toys from the present Sketch toys from the past Talk to Grandparents about the toys they used to play with.

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