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PIV Investigation of EHD Flow Caused by Field-enhanced Dissociation

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1 PIV Investigation of EHD Flow Caused by Field-enhanced Dissociation
I International workshop on electro-hydro-dynamics and tribo-electrostatics Chasseneuil-du-Poitou, France, September 1–2, 2016 PIV Investigation of EHD Flow Caused by Field-enhanced Dissociation V. A. Chirkov, Yu. K. Stishkov, S. A. Vasilkov St. Petersburg State University Physics Department Electrophysics Research and Education Center

2 Outline Background EHD system PIV investigation Computer simulation Background EHD system Computer simulation PIV investigation

3 Problem Statement Field-enhanced dissociation (the Wien effect)
In the context of electrohydrodynamics In the strong electric field E > 106 V/m Simulation: few studies Experiment (velocity distributions): no studies

4 EHD equation set Electrostatic equations
div 𝐸 = 𝜌 πœ€ πœ€ 𝐸 =βˆ’π›»πœ‘ 𝜌= 𝑖 𝑍 𝑖 𝑒 𝑛 𝑖 πœ• 𝑛 𝑖 πœ•π‘‘ +div 𝑗 𝑖 = 𝑔 𝑖 𝑗 𝑖 = 𝑍 𝑖 𝑛 𝑖 𝑏 𝑖 𝐸 βˆ’ 𝐷 𝑖 𝛻 𝑛 𝑖 + 𝑛 𝑖 𝑒 𝛾 πœ• 𝑒 πœ•π‘‘ +𝛾 𝑒 ,𝛻 𝑒 =βˆ’π›»π‘ƒ+πœ‚βˆ† 𝑒 +𝜌 𝐸 div 𝑒 =0 Electrostatic equations Nernst–Planck equations (𝑖=1,2)Β  Navier–Stokes equations Source function 𝑔=𝐹 𝑝 π‘Š 0 βˆ’ Ξ± r 𝑛 1 𝑛 2 Dissociation rate Recombination rate Ξ± r = 2𝑒𝑏 Ξ΅ Ξ΅ 0 π‘Š 0 = 𝜎 πœ€ πœ€ 0 𝑒𝑏 where , Onsager function (relative increase in the dissociation rate) 𝐹 𝑝 = 𝐼 1 4𝑝 2𝑝 𝑝= 𝑒 2 2 π‘˜ 𝐡 𝑇 𝐸 4πœ‹πœ€ πœ€ 0 𝑒

5 Problems Field-enhanced dissociation EHD Injection Ion mobilities

6 Outline Background EHD system Computer simulation PIV investigation

7 Problem of injection New system Classical system Solid insulation
βœ” Field-enhanced dissociation βœ” Injection βœ” Field-enhanced dissociation ✘ Injection

8 EHD system Grounded electrode Electric field lines Plane
Hole Region of the strong electric field Electric field lines Plane Barrier with the hole Symmetry axis Barrier Barrier Hole High-voltage electrode Region of interest Initially, the electric field lines pass through the barrier The barrier accumulates charge All electric field lines pass through the hole

9 Problems Field-enhanced dissociation Injection Ion mobilities

10 Outline Background EHD system Computer simulation PIV investigation

11 Computer model Software package: COMSOL Multiphysics
Boundary conditions Subscript N indicates the normal component of a vector Condition 𝐸 N =0 implies that the electrical charge on the surface has already been accumulated

12 Liquid low-voltage conductivity 𝜎 0 β‰ˆ 10 βˆ’8 S/m, voltage 𝑉 0 =30 kV
Simulation results Liquid low-voltage conductivity 𝜎 0 β‰ˆ 10 βˆ’8 S/m, voltage 𝑉 0 =30 kV Electric field strength (V/m) Inside the hole β‰ˆ 107 V/m At the electrodes β‰ˆ 105 V/m Relative increase in the dissociation rate (1) Space charge density (C/m3) Coulomb force density (N/m3) Pressure (Pa) Velocity magnitude (m/s) If 𝜎 0 β‰ˆ 10 βˆ’8 S/m, flow structure is independent from the ion mobility values

13 Problems Field-enhanced dissociation Ion mobilities Injection

14 Outline Background EHD system Computer simulation PIV investigation

15 Experiment Experimental set-up Inner cell Outer cell
Outer cell Grounded electrode Barrier with the hole High-voltage electrode Experimental set-up Working liquid: mixture of transformer oil and alcohol, conductivity 𝜎 0 = 9.2βˆ™ 10 βˆ’9 S/m

16 Particle Image Velocimetry
(Β© LaVision GmbH, Germany,

17 PIV results Hole V0 = 10 kV β€” poorest agreement 15 kV 20 kV
30 kV β€” best agreement z (mm) Hole Barrier Barrier x (mm)

18 PIV results x (mm) z (mm) Simulation Experiment 𝑉 0 =10 kV

19 PIV results x (mm) z (mm) 𝑉 0 =30 kV Simulation Experiment

20 Horizontal velocity profiles at z = 3 mm
Simulation Experiment Simulation Experiment Difference at the peak between simulation and experiment 10 kV: β‰ˆ 60% of experimental value 30 kV: β‰ˆ 10% of experimental value Decreases

21 Axial velocity profiles
Tens of centimeters per second Simulation Experiment

22 Conclusions Special EHD system and liquid allow conducting the experiment and comparing its results with those of simulation quantitatively. For the first time, an EHD flow caused solely by field-enhanced dissociation has been investigated experimentally in a wide range of voltages with the electric field strength rising up to 107 V/m: intense flows are observed. The theoretical description of the field-enhanced dissociation is suitable in computer simulation: it yields correct flow structure and sufficient quantitative agreement with the experiment. Nevertheless, systematic undershoot of experimental data is observed.

23 Thank you for your kind attention
Field-enhanced dissociation Thank you for your kind attention Injection Ion mobilities

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