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Why Not Look Only at Model Output?

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Presentation on theme: "Why Not Look Only at Model Output?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Why Not Look Only at Model Output?




5 Good Web Site to Explore VV

6 Comparison of Various Forms of the Q-G Omega Equation
Classic (Two terms: differential vorticity advection, Laplacian of the thermal wind) The result is the difference between two large terms resulting in large truncation error. Cannot estimate reliably from vorticity advection at a single level or from warm advection alone. Using at a single level, best done at 500 hPa for strong events. Really need a 3D solution for an accurate answer. Trenberth/Sutcliffe formulation (advection of absolute vorticity by the thermal wind) is more accurate since no cancellation problem.

7 Q-Vector approach is the best in many ways
No cancellation problems Includes deformation term Provides insights into the lower branch of the ageostrophic circulation forced by the geostrophic forcing Provides insights into frontogenesis Allows rapid and intuitive graphical interpretation

8 QG Diagnostics Online Classic approach: Sutcliffe-Trenberth: Q-vector

9 Vertical Motion Can be as the complex sum of:
QG motions (relatively large scale and smooth) Orographic forcing Convective forcing Gravity waves and other small-scale stuff QG diagnostics helpful for seeing the big picture

10 Jet Streak Vertical Motions


12 For unusually straight jets, it might be reasonable

13 But usually there is much more going on, so be VERY careful in application of simple jet streak model Garp example…










23 The end


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