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Policy Impact Committee Update on 2018 Legislative Priorities

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1 Policy Impact Committee Update on 2018 Legislative Priorities
The Honorable Sandy Karlan & Norín Dollard, Ph.D. Department of Child & Family Studies Louis de la Parte Florida Mental Health Institute College of Behavioral & Community Sciences Presented at the Florida Children and Youth Cabinet June 26, Tampa, Florida

2 Recap July 20, 2017 – the Children & Youth Cabinet agreed to three priority areas: Early Childhood Mental Health & Substance Abuse Poverty

3 Fall of 2017 Policy Impact Committee convened a workgroup to 1.) review legislative priorities, 2.) identify gaps and opportunities, 3.) identify advocacy organizations working in these areas, and 4.) prepare recommendations for the full Cabinet to consider for endorsement

4 Recap (continued) The Cabinet wrote letters endorsing LBRs and bills to legislators and committee chairs

5 Post – session After the legislative session, the endorsed bills and bills reflecting the policy priorities were reviewed to see which were successful.

6 Substance Abuse & Mental Health wins
Agency Request Funded amount / # served DOH LBR Prescription Drug Monitoring $1.2M DJJ LBR intensive mental health beds $6.1M / 56 beds DCF Authority to draw down federal HHS Opioid State Target Response grant $27M (recurring GTFT) Substance abuse system of care enhancements $14.6M BH services for dually – served youth and families $1.4M

7 Substance Abuse & Mental Health – did not progress
Agency Request DCF Support the work and report from the Task Force on the Involuntary Examination of Minors Florida Alliance for Healthy Communities Florida Statewide Opioid Addiction Training and Community Prevention Education Program Florida Alliance for Healthy Communities & Senator Montford Amendment to above to add substance abuse workers and re-design of Healthy Start for pregnant women using drugs and new mothers with substance exposed newborns

8 Early Childhood Initiatives ‘wins’
Agency Request Funded amount / # served OEL LBR for Voluntary PreK $398M including $1.6M to offset increased workload /169,000 children statewide School readiness Increase of $7M to serve additional 1,200 children statewide Performance funding $15.5M DOH Increased spending authority for Early Steps $4.8M DCF Guardianship Assistanceship Program $2.94M for start up in 4th quarter of SFY (General Revenue and Trust Fund)

9 Early Childhood Initiatives ‘wins’
Agency Request Funded amount / # served GAL & First 1,000 Days Coalition LBR for additional advocate positions for Early Childhood Court Vetoed per Governor’s signing memo but there are funds for Specialty Courts in the budget Children’s Forum TEACH Early Childhood Scholarship Program $10M Florida Consortium of Advocates for Infants and Toddlers Help Me Grow $2.2M

10 Poverty – did not progress
Indicator Data source Year APD LBR to increase the waiver

11 Next steps?

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